Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to milestone's message

"Since August 2005 there has been a total silence and suddenly, the Shareholder Representative, has now found a voice to articulate on-going concerns. It is this FACT that is causing questions to be asked, as well as the confusion that no resignation has occurred for these "concerns" to be articuluted much sooner."

While I understand and can appreciate your concern about this point, it isn't accurate. And if it hasn't been corrected, I think it should be as it suggests lends more weight to your concern than is merited, IMO.

Per Pohl's letter, Brian was appointed to the advisory board in Aug of 05, and the board was supposed to be reconstituted within 30 days of that announcement. However, Brian did NOT cease posting ast of Aug of 05 as you suggest. In fact, he posted rather frequently until Feb of 06, at which time he stopped posting until his next post in Nov 06, in which he explained his reasoning for assuming the "cone of silence" lol. So the idea that his silence started when he was appointed SHR, suggests there was a DIRECT tie between those two events, which is inaccurate.

There WAS relative silence from Feb 06 until March of this year at which time it seems Brian felt he should post again. Perhaps there is an agenda to that as you suggest, but I'll have to take Brian at his word that there is nothing more than he states. IMO, as I have stated, without PTSC empowering him to or tasking him with (and him agreeing to) regular or irregular communications via posting here, or as you suggested on the PTSC website, I don't see how his rights and responsibilties any different than anyone else's here.

I thank him for his efforts on the shareholders' behalf, his sincerity, and his forthrightness. I truly think this is an example of "No good deed goes unpunished."

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