Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
3 Points
over 16 years ago

3 Points

1) After reading the 10Q I waited for the smoke to clear before commenting. There really isn't alot I can say that without getting my post removed. Needless to say I thought a better ( much better ) report was in the making and I only needed to wait a few days for my 'ship to come in'. I was so terribly wrong that I don't even think my preceeding posts have much merit. I continue to hold my shares in the hope of better days. I don't see much point in going into detail as most have already mirrored my impressions with their posts, albeit much more tactfully than I could muster. It appears my error was writting the 10Q in my mind instead of paying credence to the NDA. I do harbor a bit of ignoble disgust with the outcome.

2) The shareholder letter has about as much hooey that can fit inside an envelope. It's the closest thing to a " Safe Harbor Statement' as one can get. It says nothing but " maybe "," IF ", "Expect", "Anticipate " and a host of meaningless words that one could pack in a useless letter. It was a total waste of time on Goerners part to even write it. ( I'm kicking myself for having read it 3 times)

3 ) On a brighter note: Last nights PR of re-instituting a " buy- back" of shares. Not many realize that less than half of ALL companies that announce a buyback program follow through after the announcement. Gloria buying 40K amounts to basically twelve grand. I'm looking for PTSC to buy millions of shares.

I still think they shall.

Long & Strong

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