Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to billwilke's message

bill i respect your opinion but i think if you look at the cancelling of the web casts, on the day of the webcast.....and after that day we never really heard a word from Mr Turley again. He promised the share holder we would have a campaign to promote the company and that immediately stopped. he also promised more communication with occasional share holder many did we get.....just that more.

i heard Turley speak on a webcast and he had our oustanding share count wrong, he did not know all the names of the companies in litigation and he even spoke of some of our products (we really have never had a product other than the CyberShark)....and he made a comment of 10's of millions in annual revenue where there was no factual "reported" basis for that statement. I did not attend the Share holder meeting but the reaction to Turleys performance was apparently not well received. he apparently made some comments related to the fire and that his big dog's appetitie was eating into his financial reserve to the point he could not afford to buy shares on the open market like the rest of us have done. Does not sound like a seasoned CEO to me...but to each his own.

I dont see how TPL, with the power of information release of the MMP (which is all that PTSC has to currently offer) would have not known that Turley had a PR campaign underway. TPL blessed this or at least had knowledge of this (but with the restriction of no talk of license revenues etc). And then Turley was silenced, that is a fact. And he was silenced almost 6 weeks prior to the NDA. I am not sure why you find this opinion "out in left field"....but okay. just the way i see it.

I am not bashing Turley and if he could have made our share price actually "move up and to the right" I would not have a problem with him being our CEO. I, in fact, would be okay with his big dog as a CEO if our shareprice would actually "move up and to the right".


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