
Company has signed a Development Agreement with the Government of the Sultanate of Oman. Omagine Owns 60%; Sultanate Owns 25%; Consolidated Contractors Owns 15%. Project to be developed on 245 acres of beach front land on Gulf of Oman. The estimated cost approximately $2.5 Billion. BNP Paribas To Lead Construction Financing Syndicate.
in response to stock_shark1's message

STOCKER, no harm, no foul. I dish it out so I expect to get skewered from others beside Alton. I AM curious why your computers in the UK don't include "spell check". We on this side of the pond know that Big Al's computer doesn't include it--but he has (in his own words) "fat thumbs". But "fat thumbs" can't explain all of your spelling errors eg. HumoUr,ColoUr, OrganiSation and on and on? When I watched the Olympics being held in the UK several years ago, I could have sworn that youze guys touted that as you progressed from an agrarian society,thru the Industrial Revolution and finally on to computers and the internet--one of your own was claiming that he was the one responsible for the internet! Why didn't he incorporate "spell check" at that time. Plus everyone knows that "our" Al Gore invented--or did he discover--the internet? So it looks like you've got some "splaining to do". Regards,BooB (Bill of Omag Board) P.S. how in the heck did you get AGORACOM to rank your last message as "Top Rated". Either you know someone at AGORACOM OR you have "people" stuffing the ballot box for you OR AGORACOM (those salty dogs) took it upon themselves to elevate your message to that unwarranted lofty position because it was basically "working me over". Take your pick--all three reasons are highly me! P.P.S. OMAG is hanging tough at $1.13-with light--make that zero volume. The good news with zero volume is that the price won't fall any further.

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