bill4810's Profile

bill4810's Posts

Re: Oman ranked in the top 10 countries to visit in 2017

EDDIE, are you sure you're not actually Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, or even Keith Olberman in disguise?  Your posts are constantly laced with caustic ,cutting and sarcastic remarks. I fully realize that opposing views and discusions on topics are a healthy excersise , but your jabs always seem to be mean spirited. There is an old saying that I have lived by for my entire adult life. I shall share it with all of the AGORACOM (Omagine) message board participants. This was written in the context of an employee/emplorer relationship...but it can, and does, translate to many other business and personal relationships in our lives.That saying that I hold dear, and have imparted to my four (now adult) children goes as follows: ............................    

IF YOU WORK FOR A MAN, in Heavens name, WORK for him.If he pays you wages which will supply you bread and butter,work for him; speak well of him;stand by him and stand by the institution he represents. If put to a pinch,an ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of cleverness. If you must vilify,condem and eternally disparage-----resign your position,and when you are outside, damn till your heart's content, but as long as you are part of the institution, do not condem it. If you do that, you are loosening the tendrils that are holding you to the institution,and the first high wind that comes along,you will be uprooted and blown away, and probably will never know the reason why.  I pray that all of you have a great 2017 and beyond, Bill of the Board.    

over 7 years ago
Re: Oman ranked in the top 10 countries to visit in 2017

I sure wish that the tourists planning a visit to Oman in 2017, would have been able to stay at one of the  Omagine hotels or one  of the other housing venues. Let us all hope that very soon we receive the news proclaiming the success of having resolved the hurdles that are the Financing and Construction Agreements. Regards, Bill of the Board.....  P.S. Tomorrow, January 20th, 2017, I shall be hoping to hear the Mormon Tabernacle Choir singing the Christmas song made famous by both Andy Williams and the late great Nat "King" Cole and that they will make  one slight change to the lyrics .Hoperfully it will sound as follows : "It's the most wonderful Time in Eight years". 

over 7 years ago
Re: Let the "GAINS" continue

Up .09 today to .73 on more than 11K volume. The tax loss selling is over (obviously), the 3 B's ( The Buy Backers, the Bargain hunters and the Believers) are Back. I know, that a lotta "B"s. Speaking of B's...Bill of the Board. P.S. only 14 days till 01/20/17. Ballelujah, Ballelujah!

over 7 years ago
Let the "GAINS" begin!

OK Billy Boy, we were a little sluggish coming out of the gate this new year, but remember the definition of inertia which I shall paraphrase... " A BODY IN MOTION TENDS TO STAY IN MOTION; A BODY AT REST TENDS TO STAY AT REST" ..yada,yada,yada. Well, lets hope the "rest" part of that definition is now over,and will be replaced with the motion part...(needless to say....upward),Billy Boy of the Board.   P.S. 15 days remain till 01/20/17. 

over 7 years ago

0.616 to end the year! Here's my progostigation....those stockholders wanting to sell for year end tax (loss) reasons have succeeded in doing so. .However,we should see a nice recovery starting shortly after the market reopens on Tuesday as they, and those bargain hunters, get back into the game. HAPPY NEW YEAR and beyond, to all of you and your families.Wishing all a safe, healthy and prosperous 2017 and well beyond, Bill of the Board.    P.S. 20 days and counting till 01/20/2017.   

over 7 years ago
Re: Tourism in Oman

NICK, help me out here. I don't see any emphasis on infrastructure? It's mentioned one time,but with no particular emphasis? Are you "drilling down" into this report further than I ? Please advise, Bill of the Board.

over 7 years ago
Holland, Pa.
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Company has signed a Development Agreement with the Government of the Sultanate of Oman. Omagine Owns 60%; Sultanate Owns 25%; Consolidated Contractors Owns 15%. Project to be developed on 245 acres of beach front land on Gulf of Oman. The estimated cost approximately $2.5 Billion. BNP Paribas To Lead Construction Financing Syndicate.