
Company has signed a Development Agreement with the Government of the Sultanate of Oman. Omagine Owns 60%; Sultanate Owns 25%; Consolidated Contractors Owns 15%. Project to be developed on 245 acres of beach front land on Gulf of Oman. The estimated cost approximately $2.5 Billion. BNP Paribas To Lead Construction Financing Syndicate.

Well it appears as though we can no longer blame the various Ministers in Oman,or Ramadan or EID for the lack of urgency in getting approvals. (Oh there will always be some issues ahead with construction approvals ,sand movement and of course the old crowd favorite--- tadpoles versus the environmentalists), but the major hurdles e.g. the DA (didn't the DA used to be a type of hairstyle?) and the UA yada,yada,yada, are "in the bag"--and now part of history. The "ruling" by Price Waterhouse on how the land gets reported on our books, the choosing of our Financial Adviser and subsequent Financing agreements(s) themselves and the Construction Contract(s) with --hopefully our partner---CCC-Oman--- are all "in our court" now. No more grousing (complaining--not the bird) about the Omani government. They've done their job---slowly--no, VERY,VERY slowly---but they have signed and registered what needed to be signed and registered and handed the ball over to us! No more angst about Ramadan and EID delaying things. No more groaning about this Minster or that Minister. It's all Omagine now--which is really what we wanted anyway all of these years! So let's "LET THE GAMES BEGIN". Let the pieces fall into place and let us enjoy the ride. May the word get out to serious institutional investors (granted we'll probably need to get listed on the NASDAQ for that to happen in a big way).The long wait--that was out of our control-- "should" now be over, but there is much to be done before the bulldozers are unleashed.So let's start with a favorable "blessing" from Price Waterhouse --THIS WEEK----and then let the financing begin. One more important point.There will always be "shorts" but shorts will not influence or manipulate a stock anywhere near the levels we are witnessing lately, once the interest, and ultimately the volume, increases substantially. The trading of OMAG has been nothing short of anemic and a perfect target for the shorts.The sooner we get our house in order and on our way, the sooner those "mean-old"shorts will move on to their next prey.We have been a prime target for the shorts. They don't care "two hoots in Hati"--or Oman for that matter--about the company they short. They simply identify certain parameters and indicators and move in for the kill. That's how they make their money. We have been,and still are, a prime target! The sooner we make the tough decisions about the upcoming contracts to be awarded, and we both "sign on the line which is dotted" the sooner the shorts will be forced to take thier "short money" elsewhere and wreak havoc with their next victim. Regards, Shareholder, and part owner, Bill.... P.S. PWC--are you out there?Have you made your decision? Have you told Frank yet?

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