
Company has signed a Development Agreement with the Government of the Sultanate of Oman. Omagine Owns 60%; Sultanate Owns 25%; Consolidated Contractors Owns 15%. Project to be developed on 245 acres of beach front land on Gulf of Oman. The estimated cost approximately $2.5 Billion. BNP Paribas To Lead Construction Financing Syndicate.
Re: SHort Selling
almost 10 years ago
in response to oiler85's message

OILMEISTER, both of your posts---good stuff. Here are your answers. #1. Why are the shorts shorting. The "SHORT" answer (pun intended)---to make $. See George's (AGORACOM) explanation "short"ly after the DA was signed. He "covers" it well. #2. Non Qualified, Margin accounts . I immediately called one of my brokers (Ameritrade) and was told YES. They can loan my shares to shorts unbeknownst to the account/shareholder because my particular account is set up as a margin account. (I also have OMAG stock with them in a qualified (IRA) account. In a "nanosecond" I asked that they send me all of my shares from the non-qualified asccount. I was then told (seriously) that they charge $100.00/share to go thru their transfer agent to remove my shares from street name and send them to me. After getting up off of the floor, I said "FAHGETTABOUDIT"!! The real solution to this problem is to simply TRANSFER YOUR MARGIN ACCOUNT TO A CASH ACCOUNT. (Those of you that do trade on margin will of course need to be more creative and perhaps split your account so that --at least the OMAG shares are in a "cash" account). In summary , I immediately instructed the broker to change my margin account to cash. He stated I should receive an email within two days confirming the change. So there you go. If anyone detects a problem with this change,please let me know. If there is no problem,make your call to your broker ASAP and watch how the short interest drops at the end of the month (when next published) and the resultant rise in the price of the stock. Comments? Harrells, Alton, Charley, Frank, Oiler anyone etc. etc.----- BILL.

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