
Company has signed a Development Agreement with the Government of the Sultanate of Oman. Omagine Owns 60%; Sultanate Owns 25%; Consolidated Contractors Owns 15%. Project to be developed on 245 acres of beach front land on Gulf of Oman. The estimated cost approximately $2.5 Billion. BNP Paribas To Lead Construction Financing Syndicate.
in response to alfederici's message

Wow. I step a way for a few hours and come back to this! I'm surprised at your illogical and barely readable rants. Just because you didn't thrive during the Reagan years doesn't mean the vast majority of people didn't. Look at yourself and figure out where you went wrong. I don't want to get personal, but you can start by looking at your english. If you can't write, don't expect to thrive in this country. The govt doesn't have an obligation to make us all comfortable. Only to provide a safety net for those who are unable (not unwilling).

I don't know what history books you've been reading, but the economic statistics under Roosevelt and Carter were horrible. And it wasn't Roosevelt's spending that got us out of the Great Depression ... his and the congress's actions actually halted a recovery and put us back into depression. It was WWII that got us out of it. And when you look at the Reagan years vs the Carter years, no way you can say Reagan's economics didn't work.

Stimulus spending only works in limited circumstances. We've tried that to the tune of $5 TRILLION since your "savior" was elected. The economy is still weak, not because he inherited a mess (which he did), but because he's spent most of his presidency bashing and constraining the very forces that would be in a position to generate new jobs. Jobs go overseas when they can't produce at competitive prices locally. Businesses are under no moral obligation to lose money just to support full employment.

Making money is not a sin. Taking it from those who take the risks and giving it to those who refuse to be productive members of society (again, I am NOT talking about those who are unable to fend for themselves), is a sin. Obama recently said that capitalism has never worked. Really? Then how did we become the most prosperous nation on earth? How did we create incredibily innovative technology, put men on the moon, create untold # of jobs, etc? Why are so many European nations collapsing under debt loads? Your guy never worked for a business. He's a biggot, an idiot, and a Marxist.

Rommney is no great shakes, but certainly MUCH better than what we've got.
With that, I'll shut up and go back to talking about Omagine.

Oh, and for the record, I throughly disagree with the vitriole thrown at you by someone else on this site. I don't respect your views, but I also find it objectionable for people to cuss at you. I guess it happens because every time someone disagrees with the left, they are labelled as extremists, as opposed to people who have a contrary view. You are entitled to your views ... I just wish they made sense and were based on facts.

Good day, sir. And feel free to not vote this fall.

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