
Company has signed a Development Agreement with the Government of the Sultanate of Oman. Omagine Owns 60%; Sultanate Owns 25%; Consolidated Contractors Owns 15%. Project to be developed on 245 acres of beach front land on Gulf of Oman. The estimated cost approximately $2.5 Billion. BNP Paribas To Lead Construction Financing Syndicate.
in response to AltonG's message

You better hope Obama gets in. I will work my 70 year old ass off to see that it happens; here's why:

Talk of debt where did it start Iraqu , we have to spend our way out of this. He can't prove he averted a depression so all the folks that wanted him to walk on water are disenchanted;

Ok; Blumberg report. since JFK democrate presidents have created twice as many jobs in the private sector than republican

Remember the exon valdez disaster it took over 10 yeqrs for selltements some folks were dead and or out of buisness. Obama made the company put 20billion immediately into settelments and recovery infact the company is bragging about what they're doing . The had a gun to their head and couldn't pull the bullshit of exon

Veterans: Obama restores vabill : 800,000 vets in college free ride for instate and 17,000. for out of state. Application for va benefits has gone from 60 day process to 12

Hoipistals cleaned (va) outpatient centers: one 4 miles from my home before local vets had to travel2 hours .

Now that we are all hopeful of big capitals gains taxes we are lured by Romney eliminating cap gains for folks under 200,000. so we shift the tax burden to work from investing.

Do the math.

I don't know where you stand on human issues Ie immigration, same sex womens rights. He took coureagous positons.

We need to spend or way out of this crisis . Short memory folks. The republican convention didn't even mention Bush because the don't want to remind us who and how we got in this mess. I've been around through Reagan trickel down and I didn't get wet nor anyone in my middle class .

Obama retored dignity to our country in the world community. The Nobel prize was a message from the international community that we have a leader whom they are confident will contribute to a better future. He showed the hawks that he wouldn't back down from going where every it took get Ben Laden , have you heared Romney's quote. He has delt stronger with Isreal .

His mistake is not know how bad things were and getting more recovery money when he could , also not making appointsment to the fed who would have helped with a more aggressive recovery. The big banks repaid their loans @ 5%

He has had to deal with an opposition that would sacrifice our country in order to get back into power . We are not dealing with the two party system where there was bipartisan cooperation.

By the way which Romney will show up if he wins. He's vanellia icream that will take on any flavor you add that is in vogue for the moment.

Please don't forget how we got in this mess , the market has doubled, we all could have been selling apples and pencils in the street (before our time ) that ended when Roosevelt got us off the gold standard so that we could create more money to spend ourselves out of the depression .

Money is only a belief that it has worth. Study how Brazil got out of inflation and is now one of the most thriving economies on the planet.

We will succeed when each of us is willingl to spend a few more bucks to buy American Products. We need a thriving econmy. we save by buying products from China and we spend our savings on social welfare. I'm not an isolationist, but we need to severly pull back on outsourcing and succumbing to the blackmail of our companies that threaten to go off shore if we demand they pay taxes. We could stop a lot of bullshit if we could all agree to boycott, ,

Take a couple days off from going to the gas pump and the mfs would be scared to.. and prices would go down. Thank you if you got this far in my message.

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