Legend International Holdings, Inc

The company currently holds an initial Australian JORC code compliant Inferred Mineral Resource Estimate for a partial area of Paradise South which has been completed and reports a total of 72 million tonnes @ 17% P2O5 at a minimum cut off grade of 12% P2O5.
This is an article from the local Mt Isa newspaper dated May 11. Is there still hope... KEY council staff will meet with developers of the Legend phosphate plant in Mount Isa next week to deliver what Mayor Tony McGrady says is "a resolution" on the $2 billion project. The project, just to the north of the city, promises up to 400 jobs and wealth for local services and suppliers, but has had chequered progress since its announcement. Cr McGrady said the formation yesterday of a three-person council working group to meet with Legend's representatives on May 17 was to review and reconsider every fact on the table, and to come back with a workable solution for both parties. "As mayor I have instructed the council to ditch baggage of previous council," he said. "Deputy mayor Cr Peterson and I have made it clear to this committee that we want a resolution ASAP, but at the same time we are very much about looking after ratepayers as well." He said he told Legend's representatives at yesterday's meeting, which included a phone hook-up with the Co-ordinator General's Department in Brisbane, "that we are no walkovers, and that costs in this proposal will be met by Legend". Cr McGrady has been a strong supporter of the project and in his election campaign vowed to make a resolution of the stalled issue one of his first priorities in office. "I want to ensure we are all singing from the same song sheet. This will be great news for Mount Isa and we will do all we can to get this project." Council CEO Bhan Pratap heads the committee.
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