Legend International Holdings, Inc's Profile

The company currently holds an initial Australian JORC code compliant Inferred Mineral Resource Estimate for a partial area of Paradise South which has been completed and reports a total of 72 million tonnes @ 17% P2O5 at a minimum cut off grade of 12% P2O5.


A New Player in the Fertilizer Industry

  • Legend: Developing its phosphate interests in the Georgina Basin, Queensland, Australia
  • Wengfu (Group) Ltd feasibility study on track for completion this quarter.
  • Paradise South (Lady Annie) Australian JORC code compliant Inferred Mineral Resource estimate completed with an approximate 80% increase in tonnage when compared to historical results.
  • Legend signs Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Xstrata regarding supply of sulphuric acid to a phosphoric acid plant in Mt Isa.
  • Legend and Coogee Chemicals Ltd signs MoU to develop a Joint Venture for the production of sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid storage and sulphuric acid storage for the phosphoric acid plant.
  • Legend signs landmark agreements with the Traditional Aboriginal Owners for Paradise North and D-Tree mining leases.
  • Major shareholders include: Renika Pty Ltd. 21.5% Attara Capital 13.5%, Soros Funds Management 10.4% & IFFCO 15%
  • Legend is led by Joseph Gutnick, a prominent Australian mining industry entrepreneur, who has overseen some of Australia's largest and most prestigious resource discoveries.

QLD Phosphate Project

The Georgina and McArthur Basins host to Legend's phosphate projects, are amongst the largest undeveloped phosphate deposits in the world. Legend has historically defined phosphate deposits of more than 1 billion tonnes at 16% P2O5.

Past feasibility studies, conducted by BH South Ltd (later acquired by WMC then BHP), at the Paradise deposit (previously known as Lady Annie project) in 1974 demonstrated that the project was technically and economically feasible.

In 1973 a pilot plant was built at Paradise produced international quality phosphate rock. The pilot plant operated for 1 year at 100 tonne/day, producing high quality beneficiated phosphate rock averaging 34% P2O5.

In conjunction with GHD, Legend is currently replicating the feasibility study conducted in 1974 using current economic parameters.

Legend is developing a 5 million tonne/year phosphate rock mine; on site beneficiation plant; and Road/Rail transport options to the Port of Townsville.

Northern Territory Projects

Legend holds 4.7 million acres of landholdings in the Northern Territory, Australia with strong exploration potential for phosphate, base metals and diamonds. Legend's Northern Territory exploration projects include Selby; McArthur River; Abner Range; Glyde; Foelsche; and Cox.

Selby Project

The Selby project is located 100km SW of the coast of the Gulf of Carpentaria in the McArthur Basin, adjacent to the Georgina Basin which hosts Legend's Queensland phosphates. Historically recorded phosphate rock outcrops at surface in recurrent lenses over a 60 kilometre strike. Uranium, which is a common by-product of marine phosphate deposits, accounting for a significant proportion of the world's Uranium production, is also present.

McArthur River

Legend's base metal project is situated approximately 20 kilometres south west of Borroloola. The Emu fault zone which runs through Legend's tenements is a mineralised geological feature hosting the HYC Pyritic Shale base metal prospect and a number of known base metal deposits accounting for 8% of world base metal (lead-zinc-silver) production.

Abner Range

The Abner Range Plateau is approximately 300 kilometers south of Borroloola, west of The Gulf of Carpentaria in the Northern Territory. It is host to the diamondiferous Abner Range Kimberlite part of the Merlin diamondiferous intrusive field, only seven kilometres north of Legend's holdings. Past indicator mineral sampling by Ashton and Rio Tinto has recovered macrodiamonds, microdiamonds and chromite indicator minerals with no primary source yet determined.

Glyde Project

The Glyde River is in the Batten Trough and hosts 40 kilometres of alluvial gravels sourced from numerous diamond bearing catchments including the entire Merlin diamond field. The pipes in the Merlin field are located on the eastern shoulder of the Battern Trough only six kilometres east of the Emu Fault. They have intruded the Cambrian Bukalara sandstone and were emplaced around the time of the Alice Springs Orogeny.

Foelsche Project

Legend's Foelsche Project tenements lie east of the Glyde Project and Merlin diamond field. They are bound by regional scale faults which act as fluid conduits for mineralisation and have uplifted basement rocks up to lie against younger sandstones. The area contains historical trains of kimberlite indicator minerals in streams draining the area.

Cox Project

The Cox Project is located about 150km west of theMerlin diamond field. Historical Open File Research has indicated that there are two key areas of concentration of diamonds and indicator minerals, one within EL 22297. Previous work by Ashton involved bulk sampling and grid loaming in order to locate a source. The grid sampling was carried out at 500m spacing in some areas, and 1km in others. Chromites and micro diamonds are distributed along a parallel north trending structures in the northern areas of the tenements.

Last changed at 20-Sep-2010 10:34AM by AGORACOM-PK

Management & Directors

  • Board of Directors



  • Mr Joseph Gutnick

    President and Chief Executive Officer

    Mr Gutnick is a leading mining industry entrepreneur. He is the President and Chief Executive Officer of a number of listed public companies in the mining and exploration sector in both Australia and North America. Mr. Gutnick was responsible for overseeing the discovery, development and operation of the world class Plutonic, Bronzewing and Jundee gold mines in Australia. Mr Gutnick is a Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management, a Member of the Institute of Company Directors in Australia, and was a Director of the World Gold Council. Mr Gutnick was awarded the prestigious Diggers award at the 1997 Diggers and Dealers Industry Awards.

  • Dr U.S Awasthi

    Non-Executive Director

    Dr. Awasthi has been the Managing Director of IFFCO since February 1993, the largest producer and seller of fertilisers in India. After graduating in Chemical Engineering from Banaras Hindu University, Dr. Awasthi started his career with Shriram Chemical Industries, Kota in 1967. In 1971, he joined Zuari Agro-Chemicals Ltd., Goa. During 1976-86, he worked in various pivotal positions in IFFCO & KRIBHCO and acquired all-round expertise in planning and execution of fertiliser plants and was closely associated with the construction of Hazira as well as Aonla Projects. In 1986, he joined Pyrites, Phosphates & Chemicals Limited (PPCL) as its Chairman and Managing Director. He also held additional charge as Chairman & Managing Director of Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilisers Ltd. (RCF) from April 1991 to March 1992. Dr. Awasthi was the Chairman of the Fertiliser Association of India (FAI), New Delhi, during 1994-96. He held the position of President, International Fertiliser Industry Association (IFA), Paris during 1997-99. IFA is an organisation of 457 member companies from 80 countries. Dr. Awasthi had the honour of having represented the Industry point of view at the 6th Session of United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development and delivered a speech at ECOSOC Chamber, United Nations Headquarters, New York. Dr. Awasthi has over 30 papers to his credit and has co-authored a book 'Fertiliser Industry in India'.

  • Mr Manish Gupta

    Non-Executive Director

    Mr Manish Gupta graduated from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi, India in 1988 with a Bachelor of Technology specialising in Civil Engineering and continued his studies at the Institute of Management (IIM), Calcutta, India where he gained a Post Graduate Diploma in Management in 1990 specialising in Development, Marketing, and then at the University of Pune, Pune, India where he gained a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) in 1996 excelling in Taxation and Commercial Laws. Mr Gupta has held several positions in the Indian Government including with the Indian Taxation Office and as Deputy Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilisers, and as an Additional Commissioner of Income Tax and Officer on Special Duty to the Revenue Secretary, Government of India. Mr. Gupta joined IFFCO in May 2004 and currently heads the strategic management team.

  • Dr David S Tyrwhitt

    Non-Executive Director (Independent)

    Dr Tyrwhitt has more than 40 years experience in the mining industry. He is currently a Director of five listed public companies in the mining and exploration sector. He worked for over 20 years with Newmont Mining Corporation in Australia, South East Asia and the United States. During this time, he was responsible for the discovery of the Telfer Gold Mine in Western Australia. He was Chief Executive of Newmont Australia Limited between 1984 and 1988 and Chief Executive Officer of Ashton Mining Limited between 1988 and 1991. Ashton was the part-owner of the Argyle Diamond Mine, the world largest diamond bearing lamproite. He established his own consultancy in 1991 and worked with Normandy Mining Limited on a number of mining projects in South East Asia.

  • Dr Allan Trench

    Non-Executive Director (Independent)

    Dr Allan Trench is a geologist/geophysicist and business management consultant with approximately 20 years' experience within the Australian resources sector across a number of commodity groups. Dr Trench holds a Bachelor of Science (Honours), a doctorate in Geophysics, a master of Business Administration (Distinction) from Oxford University and a Master of Science (Distinction) in Mineral Economics. He commenced his career as an academic at Oxford University in England before moving to Australia on a Royal Society Fellowship. After a period at the University of Western Australia he joined WMC as the Exploration Manager for the Leinster-Mt Keith region. Dr Trench then managed a number of exploration companies associated with Mr. Joseph Gutnick before joining McKinsey & Company as a management consultant.

    In his role at McKinsey, Dr Trench was an advisor to a number of large international resources companies on strategic, organisation and operational issues. From 2004 to 2006 Dr Trench was employed in a contract role as corporate strategist end benchmarking manager at Woodside Energy, helping to building Woodside's capability in strategy, benchmarking and performance improvement across its global asset portfolio. Dr Trench also serves as a non executive director for two other resource companies and currently holds the title of Adjunct Professor of Mineral Economics & Mine Management at the WA School of Mines, Curtain University.

  • Mr Henry Herzog

    Non-Executive Director (Independent)

    Mr Henry Herzog has served in a number of various positions as President, Vice President or Director on a number of publicly listed companies in Australia and the United States, predominantly in the mining sector. Mr Herzog has restructured and reorganised several publicly listed companies including U.S. company Bayou International Limited where he served as its President and Chief Executive Office from 1986-1988 and then as a Vice President through to June, 1999.

    Mr Herzog has also occupied a variety of other management and consulting roles and has over forty years of business experience. Mr Herzog has spent the last six years managing a number of private investment entities and currently sits on the Board of Trustees of a non-profit college of higher education.

Broker Fact Sheet

  • LGDI Broker Fact Sheet
    Thu Mar 29, 2019
    Fact sheet details
Legend International Holdings, Inc
Metals & Minerals
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