Legend International Holdings, Inc

The company currently holds an initial Australian JORC code compliant Inferred Mineral Resource Estimate for a partial area of Paradise South which has been completed and reports a total of 72 million tonnes @ 17% P2O5 at a minimum cut off grade of 12% P2O5.
in response to jalbiglog's message

Wow....I have to say its amazing to me how the "market" isn't responding to this. Starting this process towards obtaining a land use / development approval is a _HUGE_ achievement and will be a great setup to finalize funding. This is the biggest step to getting "it" done. If they obtain approval, its a huge deal and everything beyond that will be downhill. This is no longer some potential scam/pipe dream, this is definately progress.

By the end of the year, if they can secure funding, they could be ready to build. To anyone interested, here is how the Queensland application building process works. (Gt the info from local Queensland website...very similar to process in any city here in the US)

From the Queensland site: http://www.dlgp.qld.gov.au/resources/laws/integrated-planning-act/IDASflowchart8.pdf

1. before submitting, LGDI meets with local government officials and also holds public hearing to inform of proposed development (DONE)

2. submit Development Application (DONE)

3. COMPLETENESS CHECK: gov. assesment manager reviews application to ensure it is complete (20 business days...ongoing). If deemed complete, go to step 4, if not complete, they will request additional studies/info. which could add about 1 - 1.5 months)

4. PUBLIC NOTICE: Assesment Manager send out official notice of application to neighbors. Concerned neighbords will send him their complaints (or praise/support). (2 months)

5. Assesment manager reviews the application to determine if it complies with local zoning codes. He/she gets input from water/envir/planning/waste/transporation bureaus. He/she will also take into account the neighbors' complaints if submitted (sounds like there will be a few) but only if they address how development does not meet intent of local codes or prescribed requirements. (1 month). If approved, go to 6. I'm 99.999% sure they will get approval since use is allowed in zoning code. Worst case is there will be some conditions applied to the approval with a price tag (limit noise, spend some money to improve right roads near development, additional environmental compliances, etc)

6. Send approval notice. LGDI officially records decision. Approval means they have the RIGHT to build the fertilizer complex. (1 week) If LGDI has funding in place, go to next step.

7. LGDI prepares building permit application. This could take a few month ...3-6 months. If LGDI is smart, since development approval is pretty sure IMO, they could start permit application material while waiting for the development app. process. (I hope someone from the company is reading this)

8. Permit Review. I'm sure this will be fast track so I'm estimating about 2 months.

9. Construction. ~6 months, maybe even a little faster if phased.

10. OPERATIONAL....By now I better see double digits!

So add a contingency of 1 month to each process and then factor in some potential fundraising delays.

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