Legend International Holdings, Inc

The company currently holds an initial Australian JORC code compliant Inferred Mineral Resource Estimate for a partial area of Paradise South which has been completed and reports a total of 72 million tonnes @ 17% P2O5 at a minimum cut off grade of 12% P2O5.

Recent news.....looks like community forums have commenced as well to discuss the project....news of financing soon to come?

Landholder may sell up over fertiliser plant

By Karyn Wilson and David Lewis

A property owner says he has serious concerns about living near a proposed fertiliser plant in Mount Isa in north-west Queensland

Legend International Holdings wants to build the plant to process ore from its phosphate deposits north of the city.

Property owner Elwyn Walden voiced his opposition to the idea at the company's first community consultation meeting last night.

He says he is considering selling his land.

"I was looking at spending the next 28 years here until I retire," he said.

"I turn 40 tomorrow. I'll probably have to move in the next four years, the way they're doing it.

"One of the things they told us with the noise pollution is that we have to double glaze our own windows and our own house. We can't go outside and enjoy the wildlife or anything like that.

"My main question is, will my kids, niece and nephews be safe playing there?

"They could not answer me. They would not live there was the answer I got.

"So therefore I have to think that their $6 million to shift it [the fertiliser plant] to another location is worth more than young people's lives."

Project manager Ed Walker says the company is keen to address community concerns.

"Look, I think the people of Mount Isa are very passionate and we welcome that," he said.

"We look forward to talking to them more regularly and we look forward to discussing through the issues about this proposed project."

Mr Walker says the proposal is environmentally sound.

"We've undertaken a lot of studies both for water, air, noise, groundwater to assess the impact of our project in respect to that particular site," he said.

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