
Flash-R™ patent portfolio e.Digital's Flash-R™ patent portfolio contains fundamental technology essential to the utilization of flash memory in today's large and growing portable electronic products market.
in response to doni's message

"What's it worth", IMO, is what it boils down to. We have patents, some have been stolen, we sue and want the thieves to pay, we have a number in mind, of course, the defendants want to pay less. So, barring an injunction, which there have been none, the defendants can drag things out in court and continue to use the tech for just the cost of lawyer fees. This appears to be part of the sales price negotiation process. The patents do not have a universal value to every company out there. To some they are worth more, to some less. As to the companies that have not stolen but could use our tech, they are sitting on the sidelines and letting this process play out not wanting to "over pay." We have signed one Nunchi license agreement which, so far, has not caused any other companies to make similar deals. In the meantime, the clock is ticking, the time left on the patents is getting smaller every month and with that the viability of Edig, unless we can get a surprise from Micro Signet. Is it possible that Edig has been asking too much for the right to use the Nunchi patents and will, at the eleventh hour have the ability to accept less, make a flurry of deals and save the company?

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