
Flash-R™ patent portfolio e.Digital's Flash-R™ patent portfolio contains fundamental technology essential to the utilization of flash memory in today's large and growing portable electronic products market.
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APPENDIX B Joint Claim Construction Worksheet e.Digital v. Arcsoft, Case No. 15-cv-56-BEN-DHB -1- U.S. Patent No. 8,311,522 (“the ’522 Patent”) ’522 Patent Claim Agreed Proposed Construction e.Digital’s Proposed Construction Defendants’ Proposed Construction Court’s Construction Claim 1 A system to automatically provide differing levels of information according to a predetermined social hierarchy, the system comprising: a communication device comprising a sensor set which detects sensor data comprising a first detected sensor value comprising an amount of light of the environment of the communication device from an optical sensor and a second detected sensor value comprising a sound level of the environment of the communication “provide/provides/ providing differing levels of information”: plain and ordinary meaning “first detected sensor value”: plain and ordinary meaning “second detected sensor value”: plain and ordinary meaning “provide/provides/ providing differing levels of information”: “send/ sends/sending information in varying levels of granularity” “first detected sensor value”: “one of multiple possible light measurements between a high and low value used to develop a social signature.” “second detected sensor value”: “one of multiple possible acoustic measurements between a high and low value.2- ’522 Patent Claim Agreed Proposed Construction e.Digital’s Proposed Construction Defendants’ Proposed Construction Court’s Construction- device from an acoustic sensor, and transmits the sensor data; a memory which stores social templates, each social template corresponding to a unique social signature comprising a first sensor value range and a second sensor value range other than the first sensor value range and each social template being selectable to provide, for each level of the predetermined social hierarchy, a corresponding differing amount of information to each member of the predetermined social hierarchy; and a server comprising a processor which “social template”: “parameters and/or information for analysis of social signatures” “unique social signature”: “social signature associated with a specific social template at the time of processing” “sensor value range”: plain and ordinary meaning “social hierarchy”: “an arrangement of persons, things, information and/or low value used to develop a social signature.” “social template”: “data structure storing a social signature and a social hierarchy” “unique social signature”: “combination of sensor data indicative of a type of activity and that is unique” “sensor value range”: “range of measurements between two values” “social hierarchy”: “ordered ranking of social groups defined within each social -3- ’522 Patent Claim Agreed Proposed Construction e.Digital’s Proposed Construction Defendants’ Proposed Construction Court’s Construction receives the sensor data from the communication device, creates a detected social signature from the received sensor data, determines which of the social signatures of the stored social templates has a greatest correspondence with the created social signature through comparison of the first and second detected sensor values and the first and second sensor value ranges of each stored social template, retrieves from the memory the determined one social template having the greatest correspondence and having the detected amount of light within the first sensor value operations in a series of levels” “information”: plain and ordinary meaning “social signature”: “raw or processed data and/or other information based on sensors” template” “information”: “a report about a single event that results from comparison of sensor data with social templates” “social signature”: “combination of sensor data indicative of a type of activity”4- ’522 Patent Claim Agreed Proposed Construction e.Digital’s Proposed Construction Defendants’ Proposed Construction Court’s Construction range and the detected sound level within the second sensor value range, and provides to at least one member of the predetermined social hierarchy only as much information as allowed based on the retrieved social template. Claim 3 The system of claim 1, wherein: the levels of the social hierarchy of the retrieved social template include: a first social hierarchy level which provides one level of information as selected in the retrieved social-5- ’522 Patent Claim Agreed Proposed Construction e.Digital’s Proposed Construction Defendants’ Proposed Construction Court’s Construction template, a second social hierarchy level which provides another level of information as selected in the retrieved social template, and a third social hierarchy level which provides a further level of information as selected in the retrieved social template; and the processor detects to which of the first social hierarchy level, the second social hierarchy level, and the third social hierarchy level each member belongs, and provides only as much information as allowed by the detected -6- ’522 Patent Claim Agreed Proposed Construction e.Digital’s Proposed Construction Defendants’ Proposed Construction Court’s Construction social hierarchy level. Claim 6 The system of claim 1, wherein the server further comprises a transceiver which receives the sensor data sent from the communication device. Claim 17 A method of automatically providing differing levels of information according to a predetermined social hierarchy, the method comprising: constructing a social signature using sensor data sensed by a sensor set in a communication device, the sensor data comprising a first-7- ’522 Patent Claim Agreed Proposed Construction e.Digital’s Proposed Construction Defendants’ Proposed Construction Court’s Construction detected sensor value comprising optical information from an optical sensor of the communication device which detects an amount of light of an environment of the communication device and a second detected sensor value comprising acoustic information from an acoustic sensor of the communication device which detects a sound level of the environment of the communication device; determining which one of a plurality of social templates has a social signature with a greatest correspondence with the constructed social signature -8- ’522 Patent Claim Agreed Proposed Construction e.Digital’s Proposed Construction Defendants’ Proposed Construction Court’s Construction through comparison of the first and second detected sensor values and first and second sensor value ranges of each social template, each social template corresponding to a unique social signature comprising corresponding first and second sensor value ranges and each social template being selectable to provide, for each level of the predetermined social hierarchy, a corresponding differing amount of information to each member of the predetermined social hierarchy; retrieving from a memory the determined one social template having -9- ’522 Patent Claim Agreed Proposed Construction e.Digital’s Proposed Construction Defendants’ Proposed Construction Court’s Construction the greatest correspondence and having the detected amount of light within the first sensor value range, and the detected sound level within the second sensor value range; and providing to at least one member of the predetermined social hierarchy only as much information as allowed based on the retrieved social template. Claim 21 A non-transitory computer readable medium encoded with processing instructions to implement the method of claim 17 executed by one or more processors. -10- ’522 Patent Claim Agreed Proposed Construction e.Digital’s Proposed Construction Defendants’ Proposed Construction Court’s Construction Claim 22 The method of claim 17, further comprising detecting the sensor data using the sensor set, and sending the detected sensor data through a transceiver of the communication device to a server, wherein the server constructs the social signature using the sensor data received through the transceiver and transmits the retrieved social template to the communication device through the transceiver. Claim 23 The method of claim 22, wherein the communication device provides to the at least one 11- ’522 Patent Claim Agreed Proposed Construction e.Digital’s Proposed Construction Defendants’ Proposed Construction Court’s Construction member of the predetermined social hierarchy only as much information as allowed based on the retrieved social template transmitted from the server. Claim 24 The method of claim 17, further comprising detecting the sensor data using the sensor set, and sending the detected sensor data through a transceiver of the communication device to a server, wherein the server constructs the social signature using the sensor data received through the transceiver. Claim 25 The method of claim 24, -12- ’522 Patent Claim Agreed Proposed Construction e.Digital’s Proposed Construction Defendants’ Proposed Construction Court’s Construction wherein the server provides to the at least one member of the predetermined social hierarchy only as much information as allowed based on the retrieved social template.-13- U.S. Patent No. 8,306,514 (“the ’514 Patent”) ’514 Patent Claim Agreed Proposed Construction e.Digital’s Proposed Construction Defendants’ Proposed Construction Court’s Construction Claim 1 A system to automatically provide differing levels of information according to a predetermined social hierarchy, comprising: a communication device comprising a sensor set which detects sensor data including a first detected sensor value comprising an amount of light of an environment of the communication device detected by an optical sensor and a second detected sensor value comprising a sound level of the environment of the communication device detected by an “provide/provides/ providing differing levels of information”: plain and ordinary meaning “first detected sensor value”: plain and ordinary meaning “second detected sensor value”: plain and ordinary meaning “provide/provides/ providing differing levels of information”: “send/ sends/sending information in varying levels of granularity” “first detected sensor value”: “one of multiple possible light measurements between a high and low value used to develop a social signature.” “second detected sensor value”: “one of multiple possible acoustic measurements 14- ’514 Patent Claim Agreed Proposed Construction e.Digital’s Proposed Construction Defendants’ Proposed Construction Court’s Construction acoustic sensor, and transmits the detected sensor data; a memory which stores social templates, each social template corresponding to a unique social signature comprising a first sensor value range and a second sensor value range other than the first sensor value range and each social template being selectable to provide, for each level of the predetermined social hierarchy, a corresponding differing amount of information to each member of the predetermined social hierarchy; and a server comprising a processor which “social template”: “parameters and/or information for analysis of social signatures” “unique social signature”: “social signature associated with a specific social template at the time of processing” “sensor value range”: plain and ordinary meaning “social hierarchy”: “an arrangement of persons, things, between a high and low value used to develop a social signature.” “social template”: “data structure storing a social signature and a social hierarchy” “unique social signature”: “combination of sensor data indicative of a type of activity and that is unique” “sensor value range”: “range of measurements between two values” “social hierarchy”: “ordered ranking of social groups defined -15- ’514 Patent Claim Agreed Proposed Construction e.Digital’s Proposed Construction Defendants’ Proposed Construction Court’s Construction receives the sensor data transmitted from the communication device, creates a detected social signature from the received sensor data, determines which of the social signatures of the stored social templates has a greatest correspondence with the created social signature through comparison of the first and second detected sensor values and the first and second sensor value ranges of each stored social template, retrieves from the memory the determined one social template having the greatest correspondence and having the detected amount of light within the first sensor value information and/or operations in a series of levels” “information”: plain and ordinary meaning “social signature”: “raw or processed data and/or other information based on sensors” within each social template” “information”: “a report about a single event that results from comparison of sensor data with social templates” “social signature”: “combination of sensor data indicative of a type of activity

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