
Flash-R™ patent portfolio e.Digital's Flash-R™ patent portfolio contains fundamental technology essential to the utilization of flash memory in today's large and growing portable electronic products market.

It's just a short few more weeks before the Quarterly numbers are released. Time sure Flys by this time of the year I need a personal assistant to anticipate my actions and reactions. Will eDigital numbers surprise? Will news of Markman Opinions emerge? Will we get news of New Patents being Granted, New Partnership Companies and/or products maybe made public. Inquiring minds want to know! It's been quite a long quiet period with a lot of positive investor sentiments. November IMHO should provide more clarification of where we are heading into the Internet Of Things (IOT). During November another struggling company BlackBerry a past litigated company AKA Colateral Estoppel of eDigital releases it's first Android Phone. The phone is called the PRIV short for Privacy. This is a departure from it's own flagship technology with none other than Google. The android has been notable for lacking security on it's Operating System.Google OS comands a large Percentage of the smartphone market with its APP's, closely followed by none other than Apple IPhone imagine that! If you can't beat them join them is the motto.However, BlackBerry is challanged to provide security to the android with its security and who else's security? BlackBerry has aquired several companies for security lately Good Technology just to name one. What other functions will this and other devices forthcoming provide secronizing with a personal assistant?? IMHO things moving forward are getting interesting. I wonder if a need for Nunchi, Microsignet or project Pluto looms in the development? There resides reason to speculate only in my opinion of course. Have a great weekend. Rsix

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