
Flash-R™ patent portfolio e.Digital's Flash-R™ patent portfolio contains fundamental technology essential to the utilization of flash memory in today's large and growing portable electronic products market.

Good evening investors of eDigital a Technology Company. IMHO I among other shareholders listened to the September 3, 2015 Virtual Meeting of Shareholders. The information released by the company and interpreted by those that listened gained a better prospective of where the company has improved in areas and the direction they are heading into the future. The direction in achieving milestones and the speed in getting there is dependent upon several factors. One factor is receiving favorable results on the Pending Marksman opinions. Secondly receiving a favorable Inter Parties Review on the Nunchi Patents. IMHO they reiterated information that everyone should have already known based upon postings shared on this board. The only thing that changed was each individual investors time horizon on investment. Investments are all based on time and how much of it an investor is willing to devote. Each Friday in California individuals travel the 15 Freeway heading to Los Vegas to gamble in hopes of returns on wagering. Most of those wagering loose only to return again and again. I watch the parade of cars going to Vegas on every Friday and the parade back on Sunday. I as one of the listeners to the Virtual Shareholders Meeting wasn't happy or excited about the gathered information released. I am still in the game invested as an investor in this investment and not a wagering individual joining the parade. This ship will gain legs in time just not today. The venting of one's frustration is a natural response but find something positive from the released public information. Labor Day weekend is upon us and IMHO eDigital and it's Shareholders will benefit from thier Laboring in this investment. Have Great Weekend Everyone

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