
Flash-R™ patent portfolio e.Digital's Flash-R™ patent portfolio contains fundamental technology essential to the utilization of flash memory in today's large and growing portable electronic products market.
in response to emit's message

I have respect for someone who for whatever reason is either done with the board, the stock or both. Who chooses to walk away accepting responsibility for their choices and not spend weeks, months or years complaining, harping, whinning (choose an adjective) about the same topics over and over. ie;

It's all Freds fault

The company is not transparent

Nobody's selling anything

They should do it this way

They should do it that way

We need a product

We don't need products

eDig is a patent troll

And on and on and on and on

Personally I feel there is ample reason for investors who feel this way and understand the topics being brought up. It's just the constant repetitive nature that is a downer. Add that to the back of the hand comments and innuendo's and we are "on our way" to becoming a basher board.

Anyone who has been here for the length of time most of us have been, are very aware of the negatives that we are and have been confronted with regarding this company. I don't think most of us are learning anything new by reading post after post of negativity. Most people feel better about a negative situation when they are able to take some sort of action. With all of the talent and knowledge that the posters on this board have in the business world my question is, why isn't anyone doing something about their concerns? Action is always better than complaining. While I don't have the answers, what I gather about many of the concerned investors here, is that they do have the background business knowlege to do something...anything productive.

Respect for Silversurfer who walked away from this board without all of the negative drama and respect for those here who take their time to provide the status of our cases and the facts surrounding them, this is information that we don't already have.


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