
Flash-R™ patent portfolio e.Digital's Flash-R™ patent portfolio contains fundamental technology essential to the utilization of flash memory in today's large and growing portable electronic products market.
Re: san disk
over 9 years ago
in response to plankton's message

It's nice seeing the 108 hitting SNDK on embedded iNAND/eMMC/SSDs etc... It was rumored Apples iWatch would use iNAND, but Apple has configuring an entire computer system on a single chip is an industry first on its new S1 chip; it carries within it all embedded flash per its AP...

imo Handal would be a dumby if they were not dissecting the A5 to discover its controler-cf functions to go after all their old phones; we know the newer ones use eMMC. It would just be awesome to have embedded flash controler aspects also to throw at them with the duo-mic claims next time around. This will also give us time to see how their Health applications tie in with the sensors on the watch and possibly open doors into a Nunchi partnership vs litigation.

Huff has vindicated us on creating primary memory and coupling cache memory and it has solidified our position in the overall scheme of the interfacing between the processor and any form of flash per secondary flash storage, beit eMMC or an SD etc... Now Micron is attempting to question our core ability on the link-lists within allocation tables which, if discovered in our favor, may take us even deeper into the DOS/FAT operations of basic input/output ROM and throughput associated with cache speed and fault tolerance etc..

This takes us into what 445 terms 'it would be advantageous to be able to replace RAM with a long-term storage medium when the substantial benefits of non-volatile data retention are required;' and we see SSDs going into server-banks and the likes of NVRAM coming into the picture, which leads me right back to Apples AP, 'It's all in there' and needs thruput/speed only limited by the ability of the microprocessor.

IMVHO Micron and I'm sure SNDKs future disputes on our claims will make this apparent, but until such time we will need PPP to clearly show the realities working the core flash because only the most adherent understand and care about it just like how the judge has ask out CA claims be presented so they can be understood, lol

Will it ever end -

We few here seem to be the only ones that care enough to talk about it - and e.Digital is giving it an 80 million dollar effort ... TTL

Much at stake - I'v placed my bet.


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