
Flash-R™ patent portfolio e.Digital's Flash-R™ patent portfolio contains fundamental technology essential to the utilization of flash memory in today's large and growing portable electronic products market.
Some thoughts...
over 9 years ago
in response to DISCHINO's message

I haven’t posted here in ages, yet I have been here all along, haven’t missed a beat (though I had to update my username). Some of you may remember me. I think my claim to fame may have been bringing us the first in person pictures of Disney’s “Ears to the World” device with edig inside. Anyhow, what prompted me to post was seeing Franks post of his convo with Fred regarding MicroSignet, and how there was a lot of competition out there. I get it..I understand. We’d be fools to think we have the only solution to security problems or even everything to do with context awareness (Nunchi), but here’s where I guess I’d be playing devils advocate of sorts.....
A couple of weeks ago someone mentioned our music player and that infamous term “codecs”....ahhh..codecs. That was one of the things that kept me personally involved/interested in edig. WE had the solution! They can’t possibly come out with music players that need multiple codes and get around it without us. And now, for all intents and purposes, that version of the digital music age has, in a way, come and gone. Now I know there was a lot more to edigs technology than that, but like I said, it seemed at the time we had the only fix for the digital music explosion that the world was on the heels of. And I’m not sure if any of these lawsuits include this technology and hence, they really DID need us, they just stole the tech to do it. That may be the case, you techies know a lot more than I do. But here’s the devils advocate part. Once again we find ourselves thinking we have the solution. The solution to, apparently (lol), every single security issue that exists out there. Will we once again be forced to relive our past on this one? Will all these companies, including all the companies that have been introduced to and shown m/s and Nunchi, once again find a way around the tech?? I realize we already have new lawsuits for Nunchi, but I, and I’m sure many others on this board, did not want to first hear about Nunchi making the edig headlines because of a lawsuit..I wanted to hear about a deal. All the new tech in the pipeline..all the new patents mean zilch, if no ones buying it or getting around it.
So what to do? How does this company not repeat the past? There’s been a lot of talk the past couple of days regarding hope for working with one of these companies and how we’re really not going to make a big splash, (and see an increase in share price), until we do. Even a $50-100 million settlement will only go so far for share price. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to see it, and I’m hopeful. But my interest lies in “deals”, not money from the “steals”.
I have a lot of faith and hope in this company. I think Fred has done a great job for sure, but here’s what I’d like to see. And please tell me if I’m way off in this thinking. Fred, you’ve done a great job, as I said, but at times I think you’re wearing too many hats my friend. I want to see edig take a little of that money and hire a top notch person to help Fred and to get out there and sell...sell..sell...SELL. Jam it down their throats. Convince all these companies what I was convinced about with the codecs years ago...you NEED us...you NEED our tech! There’s got to be individuals out there who fit this description. Not sure if this was what Blue Sands was all about, or if they’re even still in the picture? But this is the direction I’d LOVE to see the company go in. If I could vote on okaying someone to be paid in the 6 figure range to take this on, I’d do it in a heartbeat. Now’s the time to make that move. Is this possible? Is this a ridiculous idea? I absolutely welcome all comments and corrections where I don’t have my facts straight. This wasn’t a negative post in the least. It was a post of hope and faith, and a little sprinkle of oomph....time to take it to the next level..lol Thanks for taking the time to read the post...DayStar

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