
Flash-R™ patent portfolio e.Digital's Flash-R™ patent portfolio contains fundamental technology essential to the utilization of flash memory in today's large and growing portable electronic products market.
in response to DISCHINO's message

If keeping the lights on is the only goal, then Handal is doing a fine job for EDIG. But it's certainly not my only goal as a shareholder. That is why I used phrases like "truly beneficial", "meaningful way", and "any substance" with respect to Apple.

I agree that small settlements and the related licensing of Flash-R is normal course of business and we already know what that looks like. But a Nunchi or MicroSignet license or partnership agreement would NOT be normal course of business since either would represent a first for EDIG and thus be a material event.

Licensing Nunchi or MicroSignet to a company/partner voluntarily up front though an actual sale/agreement would indeed NOT be a normal event for EDIG or anywhere near the same thing as settling with some company for Flash-R that Handal first had to sue.

Further, a revenue producing agreement with Apple of all companies would in and of itself have to be considered a material event to a company the size of EDIG... even if Apple didn't want to be named. Surely if that were the case, EDIG could (and I would say should) still say something whether it be in a PR or 8-K ?

Finally, what ever was "there" with Samsung ? Now that this much time has passed, don't you agree that there must not have been any "there" there ?

It's just one reason I don't understand why so many here think that something is going on between EDIG and Apple. Apple's undisclosed settlement terms tell us no more than Samsung's undisclosed settlement terms did.

- Sinkman

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