
Flash-R™ patent portfolio e.Digital's Flash-R™ patent portfolio contains fundamental technology essential to the utilization of flash memory in today's large and growing portable electronic products market.
in response to OregonGal's message

I am not saying that I know I am right unlike Dolphins who talked down to and belittled other posters for not seeing the obvious according to him. He did not answer your questions simply because he has no answers. He just answered with more gushing posts. It is possible that Handal feels, at the very least, 108 was erroniously included in the CE and will be thrown out of the CE. IF that is the case they will have 40 suits in the pipeline ready to collect something on while the appeal of the CE regarding 774 progresses. You say "that Apple settled quickly"--I view it as Edig and Apple settled--after all it takes two sides to settle. Settlements by their nature are dealings where mostly no side gets what they wanted, but there is a compromise. While I realize that Fred et.al. are very tight lipped these days, I too think that there would have been some increase in volume and share price because stuff like this just gets passed around if it is so earth shattering as Dolphins would have us all believe. I want this investment to do well for all concerned, I try to be realistic based on what I see and what I think is logical. I consider myself as someone in the middle of the positive/negative spectrum. I have no idea who Dolphins is and I am not accusing him/her of anything, however it is possible that this person is a prior banned basher that is trying to poke fun at the generally positive nature of this board--after all we are at 8 cents. Go with your gut/first impression, it will be right more than wrong. I once got a fortune cookie that said "the eyes believe themselves, the ears believe other people." Go with what you see and feel.

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