
Flash-R™ patent portfolio e.Digital's Flash-R™ patent portfolio contains fundamental technology essential to the utilization of flash memory in today's large and growing portable electronic products market.
in response to 1Coyote's message


The following semi "positive analysis" is taken from the online article from Seeking Alpha...

E.Digital: An Intriguing And Undiscovered IP Play


Tom Shaughnessy


One of the key items standing out from this case is the fact that Apple settled. Apple rarely settles IP suits, especially with smaller companies. This speaks to the strength in eDigital's case and how Apple wanted this to be settled rather than take the full trial route. If Apple saw the value in eDigital's asserted technology, then eDigital will have less of a problem asserting it against other companies. This is due to the fact that Apple is one of the largest technology companies in the world and would not have settled unless eDigital's technology was sound and they were infringing on it.

There are two ways to take this lawsuit, leading my to assert to readers and potential investors to stay on the sidelines until more clarity is released. The reason for this is that Apple has no reason to settle on terms that are unfavorable to them. As such, Apple may have provided for a walk-away settlement that validates eDigital's technology, although is cheaper than the legal fees involved with litigating over the course of the coming years.

This landscape would be beneficial to both companies. EDigital does not get the huge settlement they wanted, although their technology is in fact validated by one of the largest technology companies in the world. This can lead eDigital to assert its technology against other companies with the backing of Apple's validation. On Apple's side, they receive a settlement for a potential lengthy and costly lawsuit that is cheaper to settle and walk away from.

The above fact can be seen in eDigital's filing of 39 new lawsuits on December 11, 2013. Although before the settlement with Apple, eDigital's team may have seen the end of the tunnel and filed these suits knowing that Apple's validation would back their technology moving forward.

EDigital's settlement with Apple is likely not a lucrative jackpot, although it paves the way for eDigital to assert its IP more easily in the future through the settlement and validation by Apple.

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