
Flash-R™ patent portfolio e.Digital's Flash-R™ patent portfolio contains fundamental technology essential to the utilization of flash memory in today's large and growing portable electronic products market.
in response to OregonGal's message

My take=IM0-LOL

Generally speaking we have achieved a couple small wins lately

The collateral estoppel is very important, getting it overturned would be big, however not getting it removed isn't a game ender, but we will be much more limited with the flash suits going forward.

Handal caved on 774 with Huawei after deferring it with all the others just so we could appeal the collateral estoppel ruling, so they go hand in hand.

Some of Apple's recent motions seem odd, but it is also hard to believe that Apple does not have top of the food chain lawyers representing them.

Handal did not "dupe" the court, they duped Apple et. al. because although the court is "bundling" many of the cases for efficiency's sake, each suit is separate under the new laws.

Apple is throwing stuff up against the wall to see what sticks, cause delays, increase costs, cause confusion hoping that Edig will run out of either money or will--everyone knows that they can out spend us. Some here have hinted at the possibility of a secret backer of Edig, maybe?

This is a war, every day, every week, every month there are skirmishes/battles that are won or lost and Handal and Fred are constantly evaluating as to their perceived position of strength in the process or lack thereof as is the other side doing simultaneously. If Fred/Handal think our position is strong they will be less likely to settle or will settle for a big number, if they think their position is being eroded they will try to get whatever they can.

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