
Flash-R™ patent portfolio e.Digital's Flash-R™ patent portfolio contains fundamental technology essential to the utilization of flash memory in today's large and growing portable electronic products market.
in response to doni's message

could you simply comment on the conclusion as the court opinioned and ruled...

"Accordingly, the Court concludes that the proper construction of the phrase “a flash memory module which operates as sole memory of the received processed sound electrical signals” is best addressed in two parts.

[1]The phrase “received processed sound electrical signals” refers to the electrical signals that have been generated by the microphone and passed through the amplifier and gain control circuits, but have yet to be converted by the CODEC.

[2]The remainder of the disputed language[a flash memory module which operates as sole memory of the] requires that the device use only flash memory, not RAM or any other memory system, while engaging the CODEC, DSP (as applicable), and memory control functions, as well as storing the fully-manipulated data."

You might also consider what the defendants and the plaintiff had considered for their respective claims constructions as well...in order to come to any conclusion of what the court is ordering.


1. Origional published phrase: “a flash memory module which operates as sole memory of the received processed sound electrical signals(Analog/digital) and is capable of retaining recorded digital information for storage in nonvolatile form” claims 1 and 19 of 774

2. e.Digital’s Proposed Construction: “a removable, interchangeable flash memory storage device that (1) is the only removable memory storage device that receives for storage the processed sound electrical signals, and (2) sole memory of the received processed sound electrical signals: is capable of retaining for storage digital information without the need for ongoing power support”

3. Defendants’ Proposed Constructions: (1) flash memory module: “a removable, interchangeable flash memory recording medium and (2) sole memory of the received processed sound electrical signals:the only memory of the received processed sound electrical signals, without another memory system such as RAM

What is published, what e.Digital was after, what the defendants were after, and what the court rendered...

There's a story to each


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