
Flash-R™ patent portfolio e.Digital's Flash-R™ patent portfolio contains fundamental technology essential to the utilization of flash memory in today's large and growing portable electronic products market.

just a hmmm,question: this 10-Q quotes some of the DM atty fee lien language from contract from 07..don't recall this being in other reports...:emphasis plankton's...isn't this new, and if so..hmmmmmm

Debt and Other Commitments
We currently have no debt outstanding other than trade payables and accruals. At June 30, 2011 we had no significant purchase commitments for product and components.

We are committed for our office lease as more fully described in our interim consolidated financial statements.

Our legal firm Duane Morris is handling patent enforcement matters and certain related appeals on our Flash-R patent portfolio on a contingent fee basis. Duane Morris also has agreed to advance certain costs and expenses including travel expenses, court costs and expert fees. We have agreed to pay Duane Morris a fee equal to 40% of any license or litigation recovery related to patent enforcement matters, after recovery of expenses, and 50% of recovery if appeal is necessary.

In the event we are acquired or sold or elect to sell the covered patents or upon certain other corporate events or in the event we terminate the agreement for any reason, then Duane Morris shall be entitled to collect accrued costs and a fee equal to three times overall time and expenses accrued in connection with the agreement and a fee of 15% of a good faith estimate of the overall value of the covered patents. Duane Morris has a lien and a security interest in the covered patents to secure its obligations under the agreement.

The costs of the USPTO reexamination of certain claims of the Flash-R patents is not covered under our arrangement with Duane Morris and we have engaged separate counsel and will be required to pay such patent related costs which could continue to be significant.

Cash Requirements
Other than cash on hand and accounts receivable, we have no material unused sources of liquidity at this time. Based on our cash position at June 30, 2011 and current planned expenditures and level of operation, we believe we have sufficient capital resources for the next twelve months. Actual results could differ significantly from management plans. We believe we may be able to obtain additional funds from future patent licensing and eVU product sales and services but the timing of licenses and shipments and the amount and quantities of shipments, orders and reorders are subject to many factors and risks, many outside our control.

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