
Flash-R™ patent portfolio e.Digital's Flash-R™ patent portfolio contains fundamental technology essential to the utilization of flash memory in today's large and growing portable electronic products market.
in response to Minister's message

As we have agreed most of the time, I think the concern here is not EDIG's technology (THE ONLY REASON TO BE HERE, DEFINITELY "NOT MANAGEMENTS!), and the progress in suing the fricking stealers of it, BUT, to add insult to injury these crooks request "confidentiality" and then WEAK co's who don't care about their shareholders (just collecting 189,000 annual salary), say OK! When a crook gets convicted of or admits they committed a crime in the private world, they don't get to have their sentence kept "confidential" like the privileged massive corporate dictatorship that runs this country now. I for one am sick of seeing these privileged corps and even policing bodies rob the people and then get special privileges. I understand the existing process, just believe it's NOT in the best interest of public co's to get what's fair considering the crime. I for one would tell them if I were confident in my ability and tech and say "GO POUND SAND"!!! you have cost our investors a lot of time, anguish and money so we won't agree to keep what's ours "Confidential." I mean there's a formula for accounting the products and what a licensing agreement would cost. I thought EDIG was "Finally" working on getting this story aggressively told (It deserves it), but looking at this announcement, I for one am not going to sit and go through another 10 yrs watching the share price be constantly, UNDERVALUED, doing nothing! Fred, what are you doing about shareholder value and all you can do to increase it I'd/we would like to see your plan. Thanks! My rant for the week cause I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired of this.


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