
Flash-R™ patent portfolio e.Digital's Flash-R™ patent portfolio contains fundamental technology essential to the utilization of flash memory in today's large and growing portable electronic products market.

Well imho that 108 has got some teeth -

Another object is to provide additional methods for data input and output which are not found in handheld record and playback devices.

Another object is to enable a plurality of different flash memory storage devices utilizing different technologies to be used with a same handheld record and playback device.

Also attached to the recording circuit is a VOX circuit for implementing voice operated recording. This circuit determines the threshold for automatically activating the recording mechanism. This feature is typically available on dictating equipment for facilitating hands-free use. A first area of improvement is in the microphone input. Specifically, there are now provided a primary microphone 50 and a noise canceling microphone 52. In other words, the noise canceling microphone 52 is able to provide a signal which is useful in canceling noise received by the primary microphone 50, using techniques which are well known to those skilled in the art. It is important to realize that this function is desirable when recording a voice as opposed to the situation when music is being recorded. Accuracy in recording music is a very distinct process from accurately recording a voice. For example, it is not as important that a voice being played back sound as close as possible to the actual voice which was recorded. What is important is that the voice be distinct and distinguishable from distracting or interfering noise in the background. Consequently, accuracy in reproducing the recorded voice is advantageously sacrificed for clarity.''
The function of noise cancellation is accomplished utilizing a first pre-amplifier 54, also by utilizing methods well known to those skilled in the art. A second pre-amplifier 56 is then utilized for the purposes of automatic gain control and voice activated recording, as is explained in the previously issued U.S. Pat. No. 5,491,774. Accordingly, an external microphone jack 58 is provided to assist in these functions. Therefore, despite the small size of the present invention, it accomplished acoustical noise reduction at the microphone input.

''The introduction of the DSP 62 raises another important difference between the prior art and the present invention. Among reasons such as yo decrease cost of the system and increase system throughput, the micro-controller is eliminated. Modern DSPs can include within their structure an imbedded micro-controller. Accordingly, program instructions which were previously executed by a separate micro-controller are now accomplished within the DSP 62 itself. It should be realized that elimination of the micro-controller also reduces the total size of a circuit board, as well as reduce the system power requirements. Functioning with the DSP 62 is a time base 64 which provides a real time clock (RTC), as well as a phase-locked loop (PLL). This time base 64 enables the DSP to control timing functions which are necessary for voice data segments to be stored and recalled in proper sequence.''

Another component which may be coupled to the three buses is an input device which is new to the present invention. Specifically, a keyboard 88 is a feature which can be implemented in various ways. For example, the keyboard 88 could be a very small input device which is not intended for use by fingers. Instead, a stylus or other small punch device (not shown) could be used to press keys. It should be apparent that single and multi-function control switches can also be coupled to the three buses''

''It is another advantage of the present invention to be able to provide industry compliant signals which are compatible with long-term storage media. In this way, a flash memory coupled to the port 90 could be removed from the handheld record and playback device and coupled to a port on a personal computer which is also compliant with the IDE hard drive memory card interface in order to exchange data therebetween.''

The music embodiment of FIG. 4 is also different in the microphone input. Whereas the voice embodiment only required monaural capabilities, recording requires use of a true stereo microphone 112 to record two channels of sound. Likewise, a microphone or line input jack 114 can be provided for direct electrical coupling of a signal to the handheld record and playback device. Both the jack 114 and stereo microphone 112 inputs feed to a stereo signal preamplifier 116. The pre-amplifier 116 sends its signals to the 16 bit stereo A/D and D/A 2 channel converter 110



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