
Flash-R™ patent portfolio e.Digital's Flash-R™ patent portfolio contains fundamental technology essential to the utilization of flash memory in today's large and growing portable electronic products market.
in response to Minister's message


Hard to argue with any of that except maybe "$.20 is nothing." For me it could be a new Audi (just to make a point, not that I intend to buy one with it). It's fun to think about $26 per share buyouts and Markmen and AAPL and such, but the bottom line for me is PPS. I want to see my bottom line grow. After a long time of just holding and hoping, I've begun accumulating more.

The fundamentals have improved significantly. With the Samsung settlement, even though we don't know the terms, we appear to have enough cash available to ride out a few more years of litigation if need be, and the list of infringers is long and must include outfits like RIMM and NOK, even MSFT.

Also, although the improvements are miniscule, the chart is looking stronger. Volume has increased, PPS has increased, MACD is on the upswing. I would like to see the 10 day SMA cross the 50 day EMA on increased volume, but I'm seeing more green than red and hoping we've bottomed out and have started to turn. $.20 would be a 50% gain, and if that's nothing to you, you can send yours to me via PayPal and I'll get that Audi.

But definitely, we need news to really move this stock to where we all want it to go. And EDIG needs to get that news out on the Street. Just as they've had good results by taking on a highly professional legal team, they might do the same with marketing and publicity.

Actually, I think we're in a unique position of opportunity here. Thanks to SS and others, we have some exciting news that is public but not generally "out there." By buying in at these still low prices, we can still hope to turn this into a 160 bagger, but for me now, that's still fantasy.

I agree with this point, also: "We need a few days of over the million shares traded to break the hold of the MMs and the traders, and Samsung settlement could, or should I say SHOULD be that event... Good Luck [and thanks] to all..."

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