Avalon Advanced Materials Inc.

The Nechalacho Project is the most advanced large heavy rare earth development project in the world outside China.

This is what I found on SH Board, we will be all happy!!!

In accordance with John Kaiser's IPV chart and the Prefeasibilty stage the company is at, it would seem plausible for AVL to eventually jump up into the $2 Billion Dream Target Channel. This would have to coincide though with the release of a very positive PFS and strong bull market in the REE sector, which we as we all know we are currently lacking.

We already though have a resource that is newly estimated to be worth $125,000,000,000.00 so this certainly helps.

Anyway when the market does turn into a strong bull as Kaiser and Dines are predicting at some point in the near future and if we receive an extremely positive PFS, we could expect AVL to trade up to a conservative market cap of $600-$700 million , which means a $7-$8 share price.

At the high end of the scale the stock could ultimately reach over a one billion dollar ($1,000,000,000.00) market cap and a $11-12 share price.

Higher valuations than this would be based as JK's IPV chart indicates and as they move through additional phases closer to actual production. ...if you are not a subscriber to Kaiser's service as of yet , in my opinion it is money well spent and highly recommend you seriously try it. There is so much value and insight that is provided, it sure gives a person a leg up on the rest of the investors out there.

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