MaxValueHolder's Profile

MaxValueHolder's Posts

Re: It seems that we finally getting out

Unfortunately these crooks actually screwed us all. There are so many frustrated shareholders with this company that actually lost big Money with so many misleading information first from Del Steiner and then from John Ryan.
It seems that Del use our money for building Penthouse and later John took out company from him not knowing that company didn't have any money any more so could not pay back money that was taken from pps.
Also we must say that John Ryan was not good enough to be CEO, he is incompetent whatever he wants to say, so yes this company will stay in bankruptcy forever, it is over.
Properties or not but I don't see pretender John Ryan saving anbody from anything.

He is incompetent whatever he wants to say and Del Steiner, shame on you, and I hope that future investors will never throw hard earned money on your penthouse.


about 8 years ago
Re: Nice BUY Imbalance On EVG This Morning

Today is even more extreme Imbalance between Bids and Asks, first Ask for only 1000 shares at 0,105, after that 1000 shares for 11 Cents and 1000 for 15 Cents and on the Bid side practicaly more 100000 shares, this is really unusual, could explode if those bids wants in...


over 8 years ago

Also HUI has great chart. I like TAHO because Silver is ready to break out and also some other silver stocks are very good like for example SVM or HL.

I am watching also GSV,MAX and KGI.

Gold is looking good right now but somehow silver is even more interesting and because of that for me Silver stocks are ready to break out. SLW for example or AG, let see, could be great trade this year.


over 8 years ago
Nice BUY Imbalance On EVG This Morning

Bids practicaly 1 Million shares on the Bid and on the ask only few thousand, practicaly only 3000 shares on ask until 16 Cents and only 9000 shares on ask until $1.4, yes in Dollar range? Actually I don't who is buying and why, could be only 2 things, or take over or pp.


over 8 years ago
It seems that we finally getting out

Unfortunately when I look other Gold stocks where are they right now and I see our stock in Chapter 11 what should I say.

But it seems that Case will be dismissed and we will get out of this chapter. I hope so.

Unfortunately with that move it is still not cleared what to do with trading. We are still in OTC but PEM needs some normal Exchange like CSE. Hope to see PEM again trading so we could at least do something with our stocks and maybe even some Company will take over us for peanuts what wil be the best solution for current situation.

When I look at MAX(Midas Gold) it is so sad to see how they are exploding in price, hope to see also PEM better future, Gold is for sure going up together with silver.


over 8 years ago
Re: KWG Discusses Recent Conversation with Noront Resources

It seems to me some kind of hystorical agreement between NOT and KWG is coming, both are looking very strong lately like they will both break out. Let see! Go NOT&KWG!!!


over 9 years ago
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