Zenyatta Ventures Ltd

Good evening to you all. It's an understatement to say that the last several months have been turbulent ones here on the AGORACOM ZEN HUB. We can do a post-game analysis some day in the future when this is all behind us - but suffice it to say that what started out as good intentions and good debate turned into something extremely different by the end.

Nonetheless, what is most important in the meantime, is that I've had personal conversations with key participants on this HUB for the purposes of putting all battles to an end and declaring a mutually agreed upon ceasefire. I'm happy to report that, despite anything that has transpired here until this point, the best side of our members and the true nature of AGORACOM has prevailed as follows:

1] As of this evening, Larry Hoover has agreed not to post on the ZEN HUB any longer. His views and opinions are very well documented and available for all to see at anytime. This should not be viewed or interpreted as a determintation that his posts lack merit. In fact, speaking from the viewpoint of a pure investor, I actually recommend taking the time to read contrary information as it makes good sense to understand both sides of any investment analysis.

Speaking as the Founder of AGORACOM, I would further add that Larry has a long and very well established track record of well thought out, well reasoned and excellent opinions that have greatly assisted our members and viewing audience for many years. He's not perfect and none of us get it right everytime - he may even be dead wrong about his Zenyatta opinion - but he always has been and always will be a highly valued member worthy of consideration.

However, Larry and everyone involved acknowledge that continuing to post his ZEN views won't add any further insight to this HUB and the time has come to let Zenyatta stand the test of time.

2] As of 9:00 AM tomorrow morning, full moderation of this HUB will be handed back to Glorieux and your valued HUB Leaders. The highest priority will be given towards making sure that NO further negative posts are made regarding Larry Hoover. No matter how you may feel about anything that has happened in the past, the nature of any ceasefire is that all hostilities are put to an end.

I'm sure we all agree that it is in the best interests of everyone that we move forward with one goal and one goal only in mind - sharing information and discussing the merits of Zenyatta for the purposes of making the best investment decision possible.

I want to thank Larry and Francis for giving me the opportunity to table my solution and engaging me in open, calm, level headed discussion to resolve this. I want to commend them for choosing to work together to end the infighting and implement this ceasefire.

I want to thank Jeff and other members of the team for doing their utmost to help moderate to the best of their abilities at all hours of the day and night.

Finally, I want to apologize to all of you for what has transpired until now. I assure you I had no interest of any kind in seeing either "side" prevail despite some strong opinions to the contrary. We started out and maintained nothing but the best intentions, deploying proven solutions to calm things down throughout ... but somewhere along the way things just moved beyond our control. I'm sorry it happened and I'm sorry for any negative experiences it caused any of you here.

Thank-you and I look forward to the next chapter of this ZEN HUB.



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