killerquaker's Profile

killerquaker's Posts

Re: Mutually Agreed Upon Ceasefire & Return Of Control To HUB Leaders

Could we please move on?! I don't particularly care about a school yard squabble, and we come on here to discuss ZEN and information pertaining to a company we are ACTUALLY invested in.

Now that the aforementioned person has been asked to stop posting, can we discuss ZEN. thank you.

over 8 years ago
Re: The PEA

Indeed, that was illuminating observation which added much value to discussion. I can see how hat comment somehow prevents someone's opinion and feelings to be valiid.

Back on topic, lower average selling price and not as impressive anticipated purity. Would appreciate insight how these numbers change peoples views on sell out price. Been in this since a native American investor had been bullish and switched just as quickly. Appreciate thoughts on how this reshape investors time horizon.

over 9 years ago
Re: The PEA

Let's not sugarcoat this. This PEA was not worth a year of waiting, and the share price will reflect this.

over 9 years ago
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