Zenyatta Ventures Ltd

in response to Steakhouse's message

"Sum - The timing would be hard for a company to predict. Especially if several want ZEN's resource. A bidding war would be best for us stockholders."

Perhaps it's simpler than that. Everybody waits because nobody wants to pay billions for it. So they all wait for a big tumble for the games to begin...they just begin a lot lower down. If it is deemed that the market is looking like it's going to stabilize then they begin the games at that point. Much has been said about when this or that release takes place, when the players are no longer under NDAs that the games will begin, the bids will mount and we'll all be rich. Noticed how that has not taken place. With the new alliances, I see a nice tidy end taking place for this stock with a sell price so fair that it P's off many investors. I certainly didn't see any run away SP with the last announcement which by most people's thinking should have ignited a move. Why is that do you think? I wonder what the post ZEN era will mean for those that presently control it.

Regardless of the "shares in strong hands.....limited S.O. count, etc., I still think that it would be unusual for any company these days to command the price SHs would kill for. I think there is too much of a mindset of expectation these days which would preclude such lofty numbers. Mind you it will all depend on where you got in as to how happy the sell out makes you.

I simply feel that the markets have been groomed to expect much less and only a few dreamers maintain wild imaginings vast wealth. I think most will go for much less.

Will we get a massive price for ZEN. If we do manage some type of bidding war then it's not impossible. It will depend on the moment that the game starts, who is playing, and how much they are willing to spend. We don't know what conditions will be at the time nor those that will be playing. Will it be the richest companies or will they be occupied with other interests that don't include ZEN?

We wait to see.

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