Zenyatta Ventures Ltd

in response to Boxterfan's message

Can't help you with how much graphite in a single car battery. I believe this varies by manufacturer and the specifics of the battery required.

Here is a a paper done by David L Woods and Claus Daniels from ORNL (2014/15). Lots of neat information about batteries in this paper. Notice table 2 identifies the cost of the graphite anode to be $9/lb (~$18K/ton).


If the goal is to get to under $100/kwh or even $150/kwh for battery manufacturers, one way to do so is to vertically integrate the raw materials. Another is to mass produce (i.e. gigafactory), or improve the efficiency of the battery.

If battery manufacturers are paying $9/lb for anode graphite and synthetic is producing $6-8K/ton. That's a pretty healthy profit margin. So if ZEN's graphite is comparable to compete with synthetic, but a cost of $2K ($2700 if include capex over 22 year mine life) that's a significant savings per ton (from synthetic costs and even moreso against battery manufacturers costs). Is there further processing required? Who knows, but there is a lot of wiggle-room in cost to improve the graphite if necessary.

Hope to hear more about Dr. Chahar's market development.

On the flipside, if an battery manufacturer wanted ZEN what do others think they would pay? They probably don't want to sell the product except to a 100% owned subsidiary.

To secure 633K tons of graphite (given 99.9+%, and environmentally benign process):

$450M capex (assume eat all contingency)

NPV of operating cost $1B (capex $450M year 0, cost of $2046 x 30,000 tonnes/year, 10% discount, 22 mine life)

$1B/633,000 graphite = ~$1580/ton today's cost to produce 99.9% purified graphite for 22 years.

So assuming purity, crystallinity, etc meet your requirements (as a battery manufacturer) and you are now building a megafactory (or building capacity of existing factories) and require a large supply, would you buy 633K tons at $1580/ton today (upfront cost) for 22 years of graphite? If ZEN sells the deposit, they probably want a premium. What about $2000, $3000, etc?

I haven't read many posts lately, so i am probably regurgitating what others may have speculated on...but i just did it with poor math skills (my error rate is +/- $1B) :)

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