Zenyatta Ventures Ltd

in response to hoov's message

I agree with Larry. It's obvious to me that the higher cost per ton used in the PEA caused a change in the economic cut-off grade. (there were probably other factors as well) Which is why some of the indicated resources were not included.

I am disappointed in the overall PEA. but it's still economical. And the costs were higher than SOME people's expectations. But $2000 per ton is still SUPER and creates a fantastic profit margin, IMO.

Bottom line for me... if one takes the entire PEA as fact... it's still good, and it's still worth mining. (Not as good as I had hoped for sure, but it's not bad.)

I see people on BOTH sides of the fence (the overly optimistic and the overly negative) picking and choosing aspects of the PEA that they disagree with. I think that's silly.

But it is my opinion that the numbers will get better overall as we move forward. Which is why I am still invested here.

I honestly care LESS THAN ZERO about what the perma-naysayers have to say about the PEA. congrats to chief for being right about everything he's ever said. ever. and ever. big pat on the back from me. for real. way to go.

but when i consider "bashing"... (those who don't own ZEN but constantly slag it, and those who don't own CCB but constantly slag it)... it is for losers. I say: Pick your horse(s), put your big boy/girl pants on... and see what happens. No need to be hammering down other people's investments. It just makes you look unethical and immoral. I cannot see ANY other reason for it.


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