Zenyatta Ventures Ltd

in response to Peter Marshall's message

Perhaps surprisingly I completely agree with you Peter. My take on the article you quoted is that it shows the fallacy of thinking that an ore with the exception of the well understood ones (which are nonetheless usually sold pure as opposed to concentrate eg Gold,Silver, Nickel, Lead etc) is easy to sell until it is taylored to the specifications of an end user. For REEs this means that it needs to be purified to end user demands. I think the very same holds true of graphite but perhaps with the added caveats that it is not only about purity, but it is also about type of graphite, crystalinity, particle size, and other physical properties. Try selling material like that as a CON. I think ZEN has taken a very intellegent approach of having lots of discussions with end users and then tayloring purification and extraction to meet the requirements of end users. Eventually all of this information will be included in feasiblity studies and will give us an understanding of the economics of this deposit. Taking the approach of just achieving high purity while important is not sufficient for graphite producers including ZEN. To me ZEN is spot on with thier approach and it speaks to the high calibre of talent they have on board.

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