Zenyatta Ventures Ltd

in response to CREEKER's message

"if Zenyetta has given all the characteristics of their graphite plus 5 ton samples why are they getting hung up on flow sheets shouldn't that be the users responsibility" Creeker

Just to expand on IC's message, as a noticed someone else before mentioned this topic about 5 tonne samples. Maybe I misunderstand but sounds like some are thinking End-Users are getting 5t each.

Last I heard End-Users were getting a KG of purified end-product material.

The 5T samples were taken from each of the Hydrothermal Pipes, 5T from the East and 5T from the West and then sent to SGS about one year ago. This Material was grading 3-7% graphite. SGS is using this material to develop the Mining Process Flowsheet and for the Metalurgical work.

As they process this material to 99.97% purity it then can be forwarded to End-users for verification and their own independant testing.

This is just the simplistic view as every end-user has special specifications for the graphite that is used in their particular end-product. They could want Purity at 96% or 99.99% or it could be a specific Crystal distribution size and so many other factors or combination of those other factors. A Designer Graphite you could say just for that end-user.

Each end-user has specific needs or requirements so ZEN is trying to meet all these End-Users (20+) needs with 1 KG samples or more if requested, and to show End-Users that the Albany Graphite is superior or equal too, but less costly and enviromentally friendly to process, compared to what they currently use, whether that is Synthetic or Natural Flake.

Hope this helps, cheers, Mark

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