Zenyatta Ventures Ltd

in response to Panamax's message

Panamax, “The way this is going, I wouldn't be surprised if ZEN's 43-101 reports over 100M tons of graphite (at 3%+) and the price goes down because these same writers say that Zenyatta has too much product for the markets to absorb.”

I would agree with the above statement, as I’ve been saying it won’t be the market that rewards ZEN Shareholders from here but Industry, the Producers and End-users that see the economic advantage(s) of the Albany’s Natural Synthetic-Like Graphite. The RE is the starting point imo, the basis to provide much confidence to potential suitors for “Off-take” agreements, “Buy-in” arrangements and even “Buy-out” offers. All are in play between RE and PEA as reports continue to confirm Synthetic Like Characteristics by Institutions and more importantly by End-users themselves. IMO, “Buy-out” before PEA.

RE also allows Institutional Investors into the trade

Below commentary by The Chief at TCC – on 2013-10-10 NR

Quote, “This pretty well locks in Li-on Batteries and fuel cells for ZEN, so now we need some data from the companies testing samples. I am still on record we get an offer of between $11-14 before the 43-101 is released. I see nothing here that would prevent that and as mentioned we have now produced a bottom price for our graphite which is $5K-$7K
Now we need some feedback from Steel and Nuclear testers.”

“Now for those that do not understand the significance of this do the following
Use 1.4million tons of graphite at $5-7K per tonne with a refine cost of $600 and 60m shares and see what you get for a share price. “

($6K - $1K = $5K x 100,000t/yr = $500M / 60M = $8.333 eps x10 =SP $83.33 - LTGoldBull)

“I am suggesting a $200million mine cost and $100million more to remove overburden only because people seem paranoid about it when it would not even be talked about if this was a gold mine and open pit.”

1. SP $7.50 (after RE) x 40M shares = $300M Capex (now 100M shares)-LTGoldBull

2. $500M profit / 100M = EPS $5.00 x10 = $50 SP supported!-LTGoldBull

Cheers, Mark

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