Tyhee Gold Corp.

in response to striketheroot2's message

People, nations, and companies always tend to "fight the last war."

The last go around "reverse splits" were undertaken because a company's stock had fallen in value. In desperation, sometimes in order to keep an exchange listing, the company did a reverse split.

Granted those reverse splits were seldom successful as shorts piled in on the weakness and drove the new price down as well. Granted also, some people will continue to think of reverse splits in those terms and have a negative reaction to even the suggestion of a reverse split because of that past history which has no application to the present situation.

If Tyhee were to do a reverse split, and to this point I am the only one suggesting such (Tyhee has said nothing about the idea) its purpose would have nothing to do with keeping a listing on on the Canadian exchanges nor the Bulletin Boards. It would have to do with gaining a listing on one of the U.S. indexes and changing the image of the company a bit.

What was Puplava's gripe with Tyhee? Dilution primarily, was it not.

Most people are lazy!!!! They do not carefully examine situations. They see nearly 300 million shares outstanding and say to themselves, "Forget it. Bad management, excessive dilution, lousy deal." They never run the numbers or really look at the situation.

Puplava's "star" company with his self appointed board has the same resources as Tyhee with no ability to prove up any of their "blue sky." Tyhee with the same resources, has 800,000 ounces in the "reserve" category and has found nice results all over the area to which they have mining rights. Unless they are deliberately trying to find the boundaries of a particular zone, everywhere they stick a drill into the ground they get good results. They have done a positive PA, a positive PEA, and are ready to submit their DAR. They have gained new board members associated with capital which may fund them going forth into the future. They are not in "trouble" in any sense of the word. They are moving steadily forward. Any shorts moving in will likely wish they hadn't.

Yet another nice step forward would be a listing on a recognized U.S. exchange such as the AMEX or NASD. To achieve this I (and no one else, I say this lest anyone think Tyhee has proposed such a thing, not to take credit) suggested Tyhee could do a 1 for 8 reverse split. At the current closing price Tyhee would then show up as $1.44 per share and about 37.5 M shares outstanding fully diluted give or take a few (less than 40 M at any rate).

Now Puplava's "star" company has zero reserves, has had no success anywhere but on the Carmen and Veta Minitas deposits and is currently priced at $1.38 per share. Does the world look at his "star" as grossly overvalued and a candidate for shorting such that it could be successfully driven off the board. Not Hardly. It remains an undervalued company in its own right. And this company with similar resources, no reserves, making no attempt to go toward production has nearly 2.5 times as many shares outstanding as Tyhee would have after a reverse split.

So who after running the numbers is the diluted company; if either is? It certainly isn't Tyhee. I have found one or two companies that come close to those numbers Tyhee would show under new circumstances, but not many. Tell me this.... If Tyhee suddenly dropped out of the sky and onto your radar screen... well along the route towards production with a resource of 2.2 M+ ounces, of which 800K were reserves, plenty of believable "blue sky" and had less the 40 M shares outstanding; would you be interested at under $1.50.

That is what the vast U.S. market would see for the first time since very few people here will even look at stocks that trade on the Bulletin Board. And that is why I think the idea makes some sense. The U.S. side would then add mightily to the share volume as it would lead the Canadian side; whereas the Bulletin Board follows the Canadian side. Puplava's star company on the U.S. side trades with considerably more volume than the Canadian side.

There is one current example of this that I am aware of. Revett Minerals (RVM.TO or RVMIF), in the midst of a grand runup in stock price did a reverse split of 1 for 5. The grand run was not interrupted by "shorts." but ran until it exhausted itself. It is now in the process of correction. If it drops back to my criteria I will buy it again as I made very nice profits on the first go 'round. The fact that it reverse split to get a U.S. listing has not affected the stock price or my view of the company negatively. If there are any idiot shorts that wish to attack this or any other good company and don't have the good sense to get out when it ceases to be overbought; please be my guest.


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