Silver Falcon Mining

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$SFMI - The Silver Lining in the News is there

On November 20th, Silver Falcon Mining, Inc. ( OTCBB : SFMI )($SFMI) provided another update on the Company's progress. This one was focused on the regulatory approval process on the Company's closed circuit leaching plant.
On November 14, 2012, SFMI's Vice-President of Corporate Development and the Company's advisor, Dr. Gretchen Hoy of Hoy Environmental, PLLC, took part in a pre-application meeting for the cyanidation application currently being developed under the permit awarded in July to SFMI's Murphy Mill site. Department of Lands (IDL), Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) were present. This pre-application meeting gave the Company the opportunity to present the scope and lay down the basis of its project to the agencies and to review all State and Federal regulations applicable to this permit which the Company intends to deposit before the end of 2012.
This is another big step for the company that many people are discounting. Getting all the information and setting up the project properly is going to make this process move significantly smoother and more efficiently. It would seem that many people have forgotten the end game and are looking for immediate results. Thats is not how mining works. Silver Falcon Mining is following the prescribed steps towards making this a junior mining operation with real significant revenues and potential.
Drilling Program Update
With the property now secured, the equipment necessary for work to begin in the Sinker Tunnel Gold Project is arriving on site and is being made ready for use. A supply of the rich ore from the veins available in the Sinker tunnel will enable the Company to adjust its mill to the appropriate settings for a continued production and delivery of Bullion DORE.
Here is a great explanation of how companies in the mining industry are valued:
There are three kinds of ore on the Company's properties;
INFERRED resources -,Resources from which estimates are based on an assumed continuity beyond measured and/or indicated resources, for which there is geologic evidence. Inferred resources may or may not be supported by samples or measurements
PROBABLE reserves - is the part of Indicated resources that can be mined in an economically viable fashion, and in some circumstances, a Measured Mineral Resource. It includes diluting material and allowances for losses which may occur when the material is mined. A Probable Ore Reserve has a lower level of confidence than a Proved Ore Reserve but is of sufficient quality to serve as the basis for decision on the development of deposit.
PROVEN reserves -That part of a measured mineral resource that is the economically mineable part, demonstrated by at least a preliminary feasibility study that includes adequate information on mining, processing, metallurgical, economic, and other relevant factors that demonstrate, at the time of reporting, that economic extraction is justified.
The drilling program will be an ongoing affair with drilling both inside and on the surface of the mountain while it explores and evaluates the value of the ore available. This will translate into the much awaited instrument NI 43-101 giving the shareholders positive proof of the value of their holdings. Having this information is critical to valuing the company. Once this information is in hand Silver Falcon will no longer be talking hypothetically about their mines, but will have concrete evidence of their potential. Having the NI-43-101 in hand is very important valuation tool to have and allows the marketplace to determine truer values.
Metallurgical Lab Update
The Company expects the laboratory facility to be fully operational in the near future. Enclosure and inside furnishings are being completed and barring any unforeseen event, should be occupied and in operation by the end of the year.
Mill Update
The Company curtailed its night operations at the mill to allow for the testing and adjusting of the crushing and gravity circuits, which will handle the processing of virgin ore from the Sinker tunnel within the permissible directives of the agencies concerned. This will allow a concentrated effort on the Flotation Circuit and will permit an increase in productions of precious metal concentrate to allow for full production of all circuits (crushing, gravity, flotation, leaching) in 2013. In the meantime, an increase in bullion delivery is anticipated next year as both the new ore from the Sinker tunnel and the output from the flotation circuit increase in tonnage. Again, Silver Falcon Mining is looking to maximize its revenue potential by putting all these things into place. Mining isn't simply digging a hole and looking for pretty rocks. There's a significant amount of work that needs to be done and the company is doing everything that it can to make sure its gets done in a timely manner.
From Management
Mr. Pierre Quilliam, CEO, said, "Once work is underway to corroborate the findings of the USGS (United States Geological Survey), into the estimated reserves in War Eagle Mountain, we will be thrilled to report on the ongoing findings coming from the geologists allowing the Company to file the long awaited instrument NI 43-101."
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