Silver Falcon Mining

Welcome to the Silver Falcon Mining HUB on AGORACOM (Edit this Message from the "Fast Facts" Section)

Salutations Brother Longs,

I have been a voyeur of the website for over a year. I don't have much broker experience, as my background is of a more technical nature. I am long and fully vested in both SFMI/GHDC. If I had more 'dry powder' I would definitely buy more. I was hoping that the latest news would move the stocks, and was disappointed like everyone else.

A while back, it was discussed that we needed to get the word out. I watched Gold Fever and reached for my checkbook, but alas can go no further that way. Howver, I was wondering if there were another way for us to help SFMI? How can 'we' get the word out?

Could we not write emails to bloggers, newspapers, tv shows, correspondents, to make them aware of this wonderful opportunity that their viewers/readers/listeners need to know about, and would 'thank them' for?

If we each only wrote one email a day, a 'short', well-written note that articulated the fine points and then questioned them if they thought that this was a good deal. Now if this person received only 1 email it would be ignored, but if a cohesive program was put together where the person in question received dozens of emails, all touting this wonderful opportunity, would that person be motivated to at least check it out?

If we could 'convert' at least one person with the ear of a few million people, just think of what that would do. Just a quick word from them, on their opinion.

I can think of at least 10 people that I could write about this stock.

But I cannot do this alone, my brothers.

I feel that this should be planned. We need to have the process refined and not put out any info that is not vetted by a knowledgable group. There should be a page that we can point them to which would quickly display all of the information with the pictures from Brother BobbyJoe and a list of points a la Brother Imperial Wazhoo. Definitely links to the Massie/SHM videos and the phone number of RK and the website.

We must take the work out of seeing the truth, or we shall never convince anyone.

I apologize for my long winded rant. I have found by experience that one must make their own success in this world. Waiting for it to come to you may cause it to never happen.


EvanG 16:15

He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.

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