Silver Falcon Mining

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I'm not an expert investor, but when it comes to patience, I gots lots of experience. Early in 2007 I heard about an explorer in Indonesia that a friend was buying. He knew a guy in Canada who was a big investor and promoter of the stock. I bought in after some DD and watched as the stock crashed into 2008. Then we had to endure a total re-write of the mining laws of that Nation and after a 4 year oddysey, drills are finally beginning to turn. The stock went from $1.49 down to .06 and I was buying all the way. I was buying because nothing on the ground changed, and the more DD I did, the better the company looked to me. In the meantime, I met the CEO, President, Chief and Assistant Geo's and various board members. I pressed them for information, but this is a cautious lot. They WILL NOT tell you anything that can be misconstrued as promoting their companies until the time is right. The down time of the PPS (which has been considerable and painful) has only allowed me to build a solid position at very cheap prices. All the ducks are lined up, the land positions are locked up, 2 JV deals are inked with Major miners and 6 drills are turning with more to come. Not once did company officials say a word that the "governing bodies" in Canada would consider out of line. The company just will not risk jeopordizing what they believe will be a grand slam homer.

I'm looking at SFMI the same way. I like what I see here. There is historical data plenty to make a decision to buy. I'm buying. I bought today. I'll continue to buy these levels. When the news finally starts to come out, we'll be making up for lost time at light speed because every penny means thousands of dollars to my portfolio. If these guys don't find what they think is inside this mountain, geology textbooks will have to be re-written. My Inodnesian company now trades in the $1.90 neighborhood. If the drills there have anything interesting to say in the next few days, weeks and months, this price will exsist only in the distant rear view mirror. The same will be said for the Silver Falcon. I believe management is wise to be cautious about what they let out to the public. There are vultures circling and they know it. Use this time to buy on the cheap. These days won't be around forever. The price is cheap right now because only a tiny few people know about SFMI. Don't wait until the world wakes up. Buy now. Change your life.



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