Silver Falcon Mining

Welcome to the Silver Falcon Mining HUB on AGORACOM (Edit this Message from the "Fast Facts" Section)

I have recently purchased some GHDC and SFMI and was fairly excited about both (holding for the long term). I had been thinking yesterday about buying more. Then when googling and picking around on the Yahoo message board, I came across this person's opinion below and I must admit that I am now leary.

Can any of you give me your opinions as to the truthfulness of the following?

Thank you in advance!


"Pierre's DICUT, Inc. was merged to SFMI..DICUT was a big loser stock company. Started out as an .ob stock 2004, they (Pierre) terminated it's securities w/SEC a year later (apx?), then came back as a pinksheet..BUT owed creditors 1.8M which in SEC filings was negotiated, settled, and some just wrote their loss off. SFMI had no money i could see (IMO) when they 'merged' SFMI, both owned and operated by Pierre.

GHDC came after..and within 6 mths (Jan to June 2007) Pierre printed 500M shares and then sold some @ .03c's..making himself 440K within that timeframe. There also is a promissory note to Pierre. My memory isn't good, but roughly this is how he operates. IMO, he will siphon off the lease money and the 15% (right after processing and before other bills due) from SFMI to SFMI starts milling whatever they have in tailings.

Much better to own GHDC than SFMI, if owning either is not a pump n dump. YOU decide.

If SFMI losses money it won't matter as Pierre and Allan and family will have gotten theirs 1st thru GHDC. By the time stock investors realized what happened, it would be too late..if what i'm guessing actually happens. Not saying it will. Just a theory/hypothosis after being in other penny stocks and not knowing what happened til after the fact, and a good loss myself.

Kinross..been there since a big red flag regarding those tailings. Is the senior geologist that wrote that for SFMI still employed by them? Lots of questions..few answers..are always a prerequisite for these kind of shell companies riches to bankrupcy pump n dumps. Listen to what they say, info always visitors..facts to come..ever? Decide for youself, just my suspicions posted, disclaiming as i go. I'm not invested now, nor plan to ever be."


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