San Gold Corporation

Welcome to the San Gold HUB on AGORACOM San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new gold exploration and mining companies.
in response to Silverback's message

Silver, exuberance, panic nor stupidity have yet surfaced in the PM or PM equities markets! IMHO, until 0ne, two or all three enter the PM market it is to early to sell.

With the world swimming in debt, inflation/hyperinflation is, in time, a nobrainer.

Following quickly on the heels of inflation/hyperinflation will be the exuberance, panic, and stupidity stages for PMs and their related equities! (Happens as fiat currencies are devalued through the printing press to pay off excessive sovereign debts. This process has repeated itself throughout the history of central banking and fiat currencies! John Law and the Banque Royale in France in the early 1700's is where the modern day weakness of this triple threat, ie, central banking, fiat currency and the printing press first surfaced! It has continued unabated exacerbating the present day financial chaos in which the world finds itself!)

Paper in due course just won't cut it! A few ozs (lbs, tons or carats!) tucked away (Gold, silver or a flawless diamond or two) may be "game" savers!

During a hyperinflation a few ozs of gold in hand may pay off mortgages of any size or value!

IMHO, the seeds of all of the above have been sown.

Now its just a matter of moving to the other side of this crisis intact!

Howard Ruff recomends that to be "upstream" from the herd will require food stores, an abundance of seed, PMs, ammo and as much material for barter as you can store before "price controls" and rationing become the norm.

It's a "buy on rumour, sell on news scenario!"


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