San Gold Corporation

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over 14 years ago
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over 14 years ago
in response to nugget's message
Date: Tue, January 12, 2010 2:26 pm
To: "Andreas Marouchos" <>
Priority: Normal
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> Dear traps7,
> ..thanx, i guess my concern is how hub leaders can control a board into
their way of thinking and knocking others score down . I see this as an
issue if paying for IR and some one can make your hub look bad. I
realize how these hubs work so this is my concern. I guess if you read
back a week on the ism board you can see the opinions of some. I post on
the LBE board which is property next door to ISM in timmins . I see when
i post on the lbe board my score goes down because the ISM boys   have a
conflict with LBE. i also post on the SGR and SKP hubs and see my score
go up so i see the LBE and ISM boards as a conflict and this type of
conflict can hurt a company image as on line investors make investment
decisions on what they read. I see on the ISM boards others have nfied
you on these same issue. I am not worried about my score as i get tons
of inbox thanking me,  I guess some can use these hubs for self
interest. I do see a situation that seems to be escalating which allows
your hubs to hub leader asking me to promote a hub that he has alot os
stock on,. I hate to see these hub become self controling as i thank
agoracom for this form of open cot how the public views what they read.
I have been inbox from a hub leader calling me a drunk and the
samotiThank you for your message and for your honest perceptions. For
starters,.. Jim Trapasso 705-522-0327d be welcome.Sorry about this
message as my com seems to have key board problems, so a phone call woul
> let me begin by saying that your present rating is 3.8 out of 5 Stars.
Date: Wed, January 13, 2010 1:24 pm
To: "Andreas Marouchos" <>
Priority: Normal
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> Dear traps7,
> ...Hi Andreas, thanx again for this conversation. I guess long time
posters tend to see or follow and may become aware of others intent. I
have posted on stockhouse since 05 until joining Agoracom in 08. I see
alot of SH posters join Ag under different names and some like to cause
trouble. I guess if you were to read the LBE on Stockhouse and then LBE
on Agoracom then you might see some conflict. I guess as investors we
defend our investment but can be seen as promoters.I see this a ward
system of points being used as a way to give these dual posters a upper
hand on ocasions but not sure what the answer is. I have been called a
drunk by a hub leader on the SGR board through a inbox and that is
fine,but the same hub leader also ask me to help promote a company that
he is involed in and tends to try and keep my score down. I guess it
would be hard to stop this but i know companies that pay for IR also
follow these boards and could also be upset. I have worked in the mining
industry for 30 yrs before becoming dissabled so i have alot of time to
spend on Agoracom. I thank Agoracom for this open discussion as not
being able to attend alot of trade shows i can through your boards stay
in touch with reality.I again thank AG and would like to update the hub
of SKP, SGR and LBE as i posted the open letter on these boards of my
intent to contact yourself of my thoghts and concerns. I would like to
post your response if any and i do realise the sensitive nature of this
request but i feel it would help to keep some integrity on the boards.
..................i have on an ongoing basis as of recent this week have contacted Agoracom to correct cross posters. I Traps7 have been in touch with these issues as here on the San board i have seen alot of self promotion and also all right
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