iamburt's Profile

iamburt's Posts

Re: PPG Shares

Finally got my shares on May 12. It makes me wonder if you were not keeping track would you get them or would it be an oversite. Anyway, all is well that ends well.


over 13 years ago
Re: PPG Shares

Thanks for the input, I have lodged a complaint with the OSC who says they will look into it.


over 13 years ago
PPG Shares

Is anyone having trouble gettting their PPG shares from the Dividend in Kind.

I use Questrade and they claim they have not received all their shares so

cannot distributed them to shareholders. Anybody else having trouble?



over 13 years ago
Re: ....MAGNETICS of the Greens

Traps: It appears to me that SGR has come up with numerous gold bearing areas that are far enough apart that they add no significant continuous ounces to the value of the property. The infill drilling required to create a large increase in the 43-101 has not been done, avoided or is sitting in the core shack. If the SKP people drill at all the old sites that have known gold it will be years before they tie a worthwell package together. On the other hand, a more confined drilling plan to define larger areas could make SKP a better investment. It is quite likely that 70 cents on SKP is more attainable than $7.00 on SGR. Is this part of your thinking in investing on the Greens?.....Burt

about 14 years ago
Re: ....MAGNETICS of the Greens

Traps, What is your feel on how the Greens are going to be drilled. Are they going to jump all over or will they try to expand existing SGR success similar to BYV drilling right next to Rainy River. Your opinions are valued. Wonder if I should get longer on the Greens........Burt

about 14 years ago
Re: Close???

This makes me wonder if there is some attempt by the regulatory bodies to deflect attention away from market manipulation of precious metal prices by the big boys. Its hard to believe that the regulators that could not expose Madhof, Citi, Goldman Sachs and all the other corupt large institutions would have the time or interest in exposing something as petty as this. I read the boards more for entertainment than substance as most posters have little proven credibility. (not Traps7) If you break the law, you pay the price, but its like the kettle calling the pot black. Maybe the weekend will sort things out. Happy Easter

over 14 years ago
Red Lake
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