Rogue Resources Inc.

Flagship Iron Ore and Nickel Projects in World Class Mining District of Timmins Ontario Rogue Resources Inc. is well positioned to discover and capitalize on world class gold, silver, copper, nickel, zinc, platinum and palladium deposits in North America.
RE: Golden Chalice: Send A Message?
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Hello Mike -

Thank you for your interest in Golden Chalice Resources Inc. To address your question, an NI43-101 report is still pending on both the Radio Hill property. The Langmuir report (news release attached) includes a resource estimate however the Radio Hill will not as the historical drill core is not available for inspection. There will, however, be enough figurers provided by the consulting firm to allow investors to put together their own estimates. The news release, with some of the details of the Langmuir 43-101 figures, is attached and the actual 43-101 report will be filed on SEDAR within 45 days.

Investors should be reminded that the type of play the company has in Langmuir is a Kambalda ore body, where the geology lends itself to numerous deposits of the small to medium variety. The company will not speculate on what the two 43-101 reports might do for the trading price of the stock. As the NI43-101 report for Radio Hill is taking longer that originally expected, the Company will not speculate a set date for the Radio Hill report completion.

In other Company news, our recent drilling on the South Porcupine property returned anomalous mineral values. The host material intersected was highly prospective and the company remains very interested in this property.

From South Porcupine, the drill had moved to the Langmuir property where our first program tested the west side of a granodyrite dyke that had at first seemed to mark the termination of the W4 discovery body. Indications from drilling are that the ore body continues beyond the dyke and is still open at this time.

Drilling then shifted to the W2 discovery area in an attempt to build on previous narrow high grade intersections. That drilling is wrapping up now and the company will shortly be moving to the phase of ‘waiting on drill results’ for both these programs. The company will not speculate on when results from this program may be forthcoming.

Finally, actual drill placements are being planned now on our first drill program on the Timmins West property, long a favorite of Richard Hughes, the President of Golden Chalice Resources Inc. There has been a tremendous amount of geological, geophysical, and geochemical science conducted on this property in an effort to increase our chances of having a successful first program. The company will not attempt to guess at when this program might wrap up and when results will be made public.

Hopefully, this addresses your question. Feel free to contact us if you have any further questions, or visit our website to sign-up for our news releases to get the latest updates as they are released.


Golden Chalice Resources
Administrative Services
Hughes Exploration Group
#711 - 675 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6B 1N2

Facsimile: 604-685-3764


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