Richfield Ventures

Welcome To the Richfield Ventures HUB On AGORACOM
in response to EodWay's message

DESCRIPTION: Richfield Ventures Corp. is a junior mining company exploring for gold in British Columbia's Nechako Plateau at its Blackwater project. Diamond drill results of its phase I program have been encouraging with significant gold intersections in eight holes so far. The phase one program has been expanded to test to greater depth and confirm continuity. Richfield is led by an experienced management and geological team. They are systematically exploring to discover a world-class bulk tonnage gold deposit.

The information below is based on the most recent information we have received from analysts and the companies participating in The Gold Report. We encourage you to visit the company's web site for updates.

"Richfield has recently released gold assays on selective drill holes targeting intrusive/breccia-related gold mineralization in Hazelton group rocks in BC. Last week, the company released one additional result from its initial 13-hole program at Blackwater. Drill hole BW57 returned 1.02 g/t Au and 8.2 g/t Ag over a length of 133.7 meters. BW57 was collared at the same location as BW46, a vertical hole that returned 1.06 g/t Au and 5.0 g/t Ag over 215.5 meters. Mineralization in both holes begins near surface below a veneer of overburden. In addition, this collar location is in the SW area of an IP chargeability high and resistivity low that the company believes is related respectively to pyrite and silicification. BW57 was drilled to the west at -50 degrees. Assay results from drill holes BW58 and BW59, all within the core of the IP anomaly remain outstanding.

The Blackwater project includes the Dave and Davidson properties which adjoin one another. The Davidson property is a joint venture with Silver Quest Resources (Richfield earning 75%) and Richfield has an option to earn 100% of the Dave property (subject to 2.5% NSR).

The Davidson property was initially systematically explored by Granges Exploration starting in 1973. Geochemical and geophysical targets were tested by about 2,000 metres of RC and diamond drilling. Silver Quest drilled seven holes in 2006. Drilling identified three separate zones of mineralization (Silver, New and Gold zones). The main target in the current program at Blackwater is a large roughly 600 by 400 meter IP resistivity anomaly that transects the Dave and Davidson border. A more subtle halo of the IP anomaly is also related to elevated Au, Ag and Zn mineralization. The recent consolidation of the area has opened the opportunity to fully test this target.

The company has expanded the current drill program with the intention to confirm continuity and mineralization to depth. Assay results from two holes of the original 13-hole program remain outstanding."


TGR: And when the market turns up again, investors can be ready and knowledgeable about which juniors are likely to bounce back first. So what are some of the companies that should be coming out with some good news and perhaps some stock appreciation?

VG: My poster boy is Richfield Ventures Corp. (TSX-V: RVC). Anyone who took my recommendation certainly did well because the company not only put out some stellar results, but went from 12 cents to $1.88 in a matter of maybe two-and-a-half months. When I first recommended the company, I think the market cap wasn't even $1 million, so they were certainly a junior at the time. Not every company's going to behave this way, but out of the 15 holes Richfield Ventures drilled, 14 holes had mineralization. That's a success rate of 97%. Very, very good. And half to two-thirds of those were slamming out-of-the-ballpark type results—huge results. Their footprint could host easily 2 million ounces of gold. That is fantastic for a company with all of 14 million shares out. That's a company that still has a lot of legs to it. Next year they're thinking about definition drilling and doing some more exploratory work to the south because they haven't really touched the south part of the property yet. The beauty about this project is that it's road accessible; you can get on there in your car.

- The Gold Report Interview with Victor Goncalves (11/06/09)

"Richfield has recently released gold assays on selective drill holes targeting intrusive/breccia related gold mineralization in Halzelton group rocks in BC. Last week, the company released two additional results from its initial 15-hole program at Blackwater. Drill holes BW47 and BW48 returned 1.01 g/t Au and 3.6 g/t Ag over a length of 96.77 meters and 1.26 g/t Au and 5.04 g/t Ag over a length of 148 meters. Previously released (16 and 21 September) holes include: BW 42 to BW 46 inclusive, which returned 1.25 g/t Au and 4.80 g/t Ag over 98 meters, including a 14 meters averaging 6.66 g/t Au and 17.10 g/t Ag. BW43 returned a 152-meter interval averaging 0.77 g/t Au and 5.00 g/t Ag. BW 46 returned 1.06 g/t Au over 207.2 meters. Holes BW 44 and BW45 intersected narrow intercepts of Au mineralization.

The Blackwater project includes the Dave and Davidson properties, which adjoin one another. The Davidson property is a joint venture with Silver Quest Resources (Richfield earning 75%) and Richfield has an option to earn 100% of the Dave property (subject to 2.5% NSR).

The Davidson property was initially systematically explored by Granges Exploration starting in 1973. Geochemical and geophysical targets were tested by about 2,000 meters of RC and diamond drilling. Silver Quest drilled seven holes in 2006. Drilling identified three separate zones of mineralization (Silver, New and Gold zones). The main target in the current program at Blackwater is a large roughly 600 meters by 400 meters IP resistivity anomaly that transects the Dave and Davidson border. The recent consolidation of the area has opened the opportunity to fully test this target.

The company has expanded the current drill program with the intention to confirm continuity and mineralization to depth. Assay results from eight holes of the original 15-hole program remain outstanding."

- Junior Mining Weekly (10/08/09)

"When I was on the visit to Northern BC a week ago, a very sharp broker that I know suggested I watch a company named Richfield Ventures (RVC-V) closely. They are coming out with results right about now. I should have watched closer.

. . .First of all, there have been drill results released in the last two weeks that suggest the discovery of one of the biggest gold/silver discoveries in BC ever.

The overall project is called the Blackwater project and belongs to Richfield Ventures. Within the Blackwater project are two properties owned by different groups; the Davidson project, subject to a 75/25 JV between Richfield and Silver Quest Resources (SQI-V) and the Dave property that Richfield has a 100% option on.

Several years ago I outlined a process I go through to understand the potential of big drill holes. I call it cubing the hole. What I do is first figure out today's value of the rock. I'm going to use as an example the BW 46 hole announced by Richfield on September 21. First, go to the wonderful page set up by Doug Casey.

Feed in the values of 1.06 g/t gold and 5 g/t silver. I show a gross metal value of $36.77 but depending on when you do it, your numbers will be slightly different from mine. Now, you need to understand that that's a theoretical value for the rock. But you can't recover all of the metal so it's a limit on the high side. You will never get that much money out of this rock."

- Bob Moriarty, 321gold (10/03/09)

"I ran into this company not too long ago when I met Peter Bernier, the president of the company, on a trip through northern BC. He showed me the property package that that he put together and I was duly impressed. The thing that is almost even more impressive is that nobody knows about it, thus the opportunity.

. . .there are multiple intercepts that are 40, 60, 80+ meters in length with values of gold around the 2-2.5 g/t range. This is also around 600 meters squared. . .this project can start adding ounces very quick.

Just today, the company has released some very nice drill results over the anticipated widths. What this basically tells me is that there is size and decent grade involved to this project.

Based on a market cap of 7 million dollars over 14 million shares and the results that they have been receiving, I think that there is potential for a 50 million dollar market cap or better here. I am definitely suggesting that most people look at this if they want a home run in their portfolio."

- Victor Goncalves, Equities and Economics (09/17/09)

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