Resverlogix Corp.

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in response to Nextblockbuster's message

Nbb - interesting thoughts, I had also considered that angle however I have concluded that the shareholders of both companies would not get the best value if this type of combination buyout was arranged.

The ownership percentages between the two companies is very different at this time than what it was in 2013 when the split was done. RVX is a Phase III, II and I company and Zenith Epigenetics Ltd is a Phase I company. The spectrum of targets differs dramatically from one company to the other as well. The commonality is that they are both BET inhibitors that share some of the same management team.

Valuation - you can see from the valuation that I came up with for RVX and posted some of the data points on Jan 11 @ 08:09PM that, in my view, RVX could potentially be valued in the $5 to $10 billion range if the moon and stars lined up. According to some of the info I have heard, read and compared on Zenith Epigenetics Ltd and how thier valuation is composed it is possible to see a valuation at about one half of where RVX is at now which at best is shear speculation.

Amazingly both companies could be coming to the market with a drug at about the same time. This is very exciting for those of us that have an interest in both companies.

I would be happy to see an offer that included both companies however for my own purposes I put a small probability on a that occuring.



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